_ _ _ _ __ ___ __(_) |_(_)_ __ __ _ (_)_ __ \ \ /\ / / '__| | __| | '_ \ / _` | | | '_ \ \ V V /| | | | |_| | | | | (_| | | | | | | \_/\_/ |_| |_|\__|_|_| |_|\__, | |_|_| |_| |___/ _ _ _ ___ _ __ ___ __ _| | | _ __ (_) ___ ___ ___ ___ / __| '_ ` _ \ / _` | | | | '_ \| |/ _ \/ __/ _ \/ __| \__ \ | | | | | (_| | | | | |_) | | __/ (_| __/\__ \ |___/_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|_| | .__/|_|\___|\___\___||___/ |_| ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.31 Closing out 2024, I'm tired again (no surprise). Work has been pretty steady for me, but it's slowing down now (1200). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.30 Back to work, for another odd week. Tomorrow we close two hours early, then are closed on the 1st. Maybe I'll be able to sleep then? Tonight is "Omni Nite" for Ben & Alex. They'll be tired tomorrow (the event runs from 1530 until about 0430 tomorrow). And there is an evening service at church, so I'll have a long day. Might be able to get a bit of a nap in though. I had to restart some services on forth.works after the server host was upgraded. This might result in a few hours of log data being lost in ##forth and #retro. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.29 Sunday, so much of the day was spent at Church. No real issues with the slides, and now have another 5 songs done. Blood sugar was good, but started trending upwards in the evening. Still very tired. Didn't sleep well, but some congestion has cleared enough to let me use the CPAP, which will hopefully help. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.28 A quiet Saturday. I spent the morning resting, then we did a bit of grocery shopping. A little housework in the evening. Nothing of significance was done. I'm really tired recently. Hoping to get past this soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.27 I've updated the rom & blocks on my ilo-teensy41 board, so it's back to being in sync with my main system again. I'll be looking at the ethernet support option, as well as wifi, to see if I can make it possible to do network sync at some point. My Kindle Scribe has started having some parts of my notes just disappear. This is concerning; I'd expect it to get to more than 30-40 pages before seeing issues like this. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.26 I decided to take the Mounjaro a day early, which seems to be helping my blood glucose stability. Note to self: it doesn't work as well when injected into the thigh or arm. I've uploaded the last December Adventure logs (stopping a few days early due to RSI issues). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.25 Christmas day. I spent my morning resting (much needed), then we went to Mom's for a few hours. The evening was the first session in our shadowdark campaign. We accomplished the basic setting, character introductions, and getting an initial quest. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.24 Tonight was our candle light service at church. No real issues, and the pastor gave me the scripture list ahead of time, so I was able to follow more quickly than normal. Otherwise, it was slow (basically dead) at work, and I spent the evening on world building for our shadowdark campaign. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.23 Two days until Christmas. I'm looking forward to a day off. Work has slowed, though we did get a lot of deliveries today. We'll try to sort through these tomorrow, then work on cleaning up the warehouse. Not going to do much more typing today due to pain. Hoping that it starts to fade soon, but I suspect it'll linger for a while. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.22 The actual performance of the cantata went well. I ran slides & the microphones for the first couple of songs before Sunni took over. I was a bit worried it'd go as rough as the practice, but things moved much better overall. My hand pain is growing. This is concerning; I'm hoping to be able to finish out the December Adventure, but might have to stop a little early if this does not improve. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.21 Today was the first (and only?) practice for the musical thing at Church. It was rough; hopefully the actual performance on Sunday goes better. I have the slides ready, so that's set at least. Finished typing several more songs in, but still have 503 to go. Jeff Adams gave me a hoodie with the church information on the back; this was a nice gift I look forward to using tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.20 Friday. We had a Christmas lunch at work, with a lot of leftover food, so no need to make dinner or lunch for a few days. Tomorrow is a practice for the cantana at church; it'll be good to see how this is set up. Hopefully it'll go well. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.19 My hands are hurting again, so not doing much typing for a few days. My December Adventure has been less productive than last year. I am a bit disappointed with this, but am hoping to have better luck next year on pursing the planned projects. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.18 Merged & uploaded my latest set of blocks, so tonight's WISP update will reflect the entries from the last few days. Other than this, I've done some work on Convey (rewriting the api to be more normal for things running over HTTPS), and have spent time on my konilo shell script for update/install/running. I'll probably publish a copy of my private setup for this soon. Would there be interest in a hosted Konilo system accessed via SSH? I've explored building something for this over the last few months and could probably build it out for 2025 if there's any interest. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.17 Finished my experiments w/the graphics & metablock stuff for the current time. Will move onto something new tomorrow. I ate a bit of chocolate today; this was a mistake. 74 point rise in glucose, and took 20 units of insulin to come back down. Note to self: only do dark, mostly unsweetened chocolate in the future. Otherwise not a bad day for me, but still stressful at work. Dustin has demoted John from assistant manager, and John is leaving tomorrow for a 2-1/2 week cruise, so things might be a bit for me for a little while. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.16 Monday. The start of a couple of stressful weeks at work as we approach the holidays. For DA, I'm doing some experiments with the metablock stuff (I need a better name for this...) and graphics. Kind of fun, even if not practical at this point. Blood sugar has been good today. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.15 Busy today w/church activities. I did a bit of work on a "man" word for Konilo, to bring up single pages in the manual. My hands aren't in great condition due to too much typing over the last few days. Will be avoiding significant typing for a few days. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.14 Saturday, so off work again. My internal calendar is off since I took off yesterday. Ugh. On the song transcription: I typed up the text for all of the Christmas songs (26 in total), so I'll have these ready for Church tomorrow. Fixed a bug in (kohure), and added use of `ti:prompt` to it for today's December Advenure. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.13 Enjoyed a quiet day off work. Was able to resolve one financial stressor, though the larger one is still looming. Considering this... A possible opportunity to move into a management role at work has opened. I'm thinking about this. If I'm not willing/able to fill it, we'll end up hiring from outside. But I've never really pursued a role like this, and am not sure if I'll be a good fit. I expect some long conversations & a lot of thinking over the coming weeks. I like working on the eink display. As with the Mobiscribe, I see a big battery hit compared to reading, but the screen on the Go 6 is really nice to work on. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.12 I've set up termux on the Boox Go 6. It's much faster than the Mobiscribe for this, and I can use Konilo with a keyboard at a pace that's quite tolerable. The screen also handles ghosting much better. We'll have to see how this impacts battery life. Went to Benjamin's band concert tonight. It was about 90 minutes long, which was fine, but I did have lower than safe blood sugar during part of it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.11 Didn't do a lot of programming today, but will be trying to get the logs uploaded tomorrow. I'll try to setup Termux + Konilo on the Boox Go 6 to see if it's better than the setup on the Mobiscribe Wave. There it was very slow, and the screen ghosting made it almost unusable. I suspect it'll be more pleasant, though still not quite as nice as on an LCD display. I hope it's good though: I'd love to be able to use this + a keyboard for on-the-go computing. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.10 A bit stressed due to the money issues. I'm hoping that I'll be able to find a solution to this soon. Might have to borrow some for a couple of months if I'm able to. Alex had band & orchestra concerts today. These were nice, but I wish we could have been seated a little sooner. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.09 Back to work today. The morning hasn't been bad, though my two drivers are taking their time getting loaded & on the road. For DecAdv, I decided to go ahead and add in the "undo" function when replacing a line. This isn't (yet) tied into all edits; it is only done when using `e:insert` to replace a line. A simple `undo` will restore it. I'll think on hooking it into other aspects of the editors if I feel a need arise for this. While we are currently using an SD card for ROM & blocks, I'd like to move away from this in the future hardware. Preferably a storage system addressable via an I2C or SPI bus, with the actual details being abstracted away. This would offer a lot of future-proofing, and avoid some issues w/modern SD cards. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.08 Sunday; I worked in the sound booth again, for both the morning and evening services. It looks like my wife will be joining the choir, so I'll be able to assist in both services now. We've been having some RF interference issues with the lapel microphone. I'm investigating this. It's set to use 518.2 MHz. On some occasions we get severe interference preventing it from being used. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.07 I finished my work on the sdl+ilo implementation. Down to under 600 lines, and while still slow for display & keyboard, it's better than before. Spent a lot of time resting today. I read a bit, and played a game for a while. This was a nice change of pace. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.06 Friday, so time for a new libre3 sensor & another dose of the Mounjaro. Here's to hoping that next week is less troublesome with the glucose. I'm considering adding a very limited "undo last edit" function to (tuhi). This would basically just copy the line & line number to a backup slot, and allow a quick reversion if something is done incorrectly. (It might actually be worth doing this as part of the basic editor, so that (tuhi) and others can make use of it as well). After some experimenting, I've decided that I like the ^ key for toggling color/mono display modes, and am expanding its use in my (termina) programs. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.05 Tired today. Blood sugar has been good, though I'm still a bit higher than normal. This will hopefully be better next week. It is amazing how much stress raises the glucose. For DA I did more work on the sdl+ilo version. I've added a key input queue, and am making adjustments to better capture events so less is missed. Still a fair amount to do, but I might be able to finish it over the weekend. Did a bunch of cleanup in the house this evening. It feels good to get rid of a bunch of literal junk and make a bit more space. I'm hoping to have a much cleaner, emptier house in 2025, with a lot less clutter. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.04 Finished ripping out the pre-current graphics code & getting the basic graphica-0 framebuffer working. Now working on fixing the keyboard input issues. This entire part of DA will take longer than I had hoped, but it might just result in a much more usable sdl+ilo build. Still working on the $$$ issues. I might see if I can borrow enough to pay off an old 401k loan so I can then reborrow enough to deal with the bigger troubles. (I had hoped to delay this for a month or two, but outside events are forcing me to find a faster path). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.03 Going to try to deal with some financial issues over the next week or two. This is stressful, but I'll hopefully find a way to make things work out. I started on the SDL2 updates for ilo & Windows. It's functional but still too slow for comfortable input. I'll look at this more tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.02 I tweaked my startup blocks to preload the wiki & wisp programs, which makes it take a bit longer to start up, but since I use these all the time, it makes sense to me to have them readily available. I've uploaded my latest blocks, so the DA logs are up to date now. I'll try to be more prompt with this for the rest of the month. Work has been stressful today. Not unexpected coming off a long holiday weekend, but it's frustrating. This month will be worse than normal for me since Christmas is approaching, and quite a few people are taking time off work in the last two weeks. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.12.01 No sleep last night due to congestion. This made some things at church more difficult, but I made it through. I did spend the afternoon resting, and felt better by early evening. For DA, I decided to do a little work on some Shadowdark stuff to help me run the game later this month. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.30 A nice Saturday. Still congested, but got a bit of sleep. I worked a bit with FreeShow, tweaking my templates for the songs a little, and found an XML copy of the bible we can use offline. Tomorrow starts #DecemberAdventure. I'm looking forward to it, though it might be a few days in before I actually get to the tasks I have planned. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.29 I had a day off work, which was nice. I was congested, with a heavily runny nose, and didn's sleep well, which was annoying. But it was good overall. No significant coding. I decided to add , as an alias for comma in the (std) blocks, to make building tables a bit more readable (and to aid in cross-compatibility w/retro sources). I ordered print copies of the Shadowdark player's guide & two copies of the full book. They'll be a few weeks out, but this is good as it gives me more time to do the world prep & getting a few basic stories set up. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.28 Happy Thanksgiving! Today we set up some initial characters for an upcoming role play game session I'll be running. This was fun, but it'll be a few weeks vbefore we start an actual story. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.27 The song stuff is progressing. The version of FreeShow we use at church is a little different than the one I have on the home system, but I was able to get 20 songs imported & did some init- ial formatting. Christmas shopping is pretty much done, so that's good. I should have everything in next week, then can get things wrapped. I'm off work after today, until Monday, so am hoping to get a little programming in starting tomorrow. (I did a bit today, setting up my blocks for the #DecemberAdventure 2024 log, and writing a tiny program to generate & upload the plain text log) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.26 It was slower at work, but still busy enough that I was not able to get fully caught up on my backlog. Tonight we have a dinner & service at church. I'm going to try to get there early so I can start importing the finished songs & slides, and start on some templates to improve readability. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.25 Today was absurdly busy at work. I was going non-stop until well after my normal lunch time, and didn't get a full break. I hope that it's slower tomorrow. I'm now at 50 songs done, so about 8.45% done (each song is 0.169%). I asked Alex & Ben to try to do some while off school this week, so hopefully they'll get at least a few entered. I'd *like* to have 100-150 done by Sunday, but this might be pushing a bit too hard. I'll have to be careful to avoid a recurrance of the RSI problems. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.24 I've started on what will probably be a time consuming project: generating slides for all 589 songs in the hymnal we use at church. The software we use (FreeShow) has access to a database of lyrics, but most of the ones we've imported have not matched with the actual lyrics in the printed books, causing confusion. I'll be importing or retyping all of them (probably with some help from my family) until done, at which point I'll have text files ready to use for the slide creation. I'll get Arland to help with some darker backgrounds to help keep the slide text readable, while not just being on a plain black background. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.23 Konilo QOL things: in (tuhi), ^ now toggles the global color & mono display modes. `needs` in default system now limits to the first 1,024 blocks (which are what I'm using for code space in the current layout). A `vt:toggle-color` word has been added. Started setting up a new phone to use as my mobile workstation (termux + konilo). It's an S24 Ultra. Nice thing: much less slippery than the S22 Ultra was. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.22 The work day started poorly. I had to deal with some billing is- sues, then sort out several pallets of material that were not correctly received & staged. This delayed my normal activity until after 9AM (I normally start around 6!) In the evening I finished the first quarter of my Christmas shopping, and resumed work on ilo-teensy4.1 updates. It's not been as productive as I'd like this week, but next week should be better. The smaller block store is better for performance. Searching over 60k blocks takes a while, esp. on slower things like the Teensy & RP2350. It may be better to keep multiple smaller systems going than one large one. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.21 I decided to port the roulette code to konilo, so it's in my blocks now. http://forth.works/share/aAyK4P6ZoV.txt I've also setup a smaller working environment. This has a much reduced block store, but is faster to work in and still gives me enough space to work comfortably. It's laid out as: 0000 - 0127 : system blocks 0128 - 1023 : applications & extensions 1024 - 2047 : documentation blocks 2048 - 3071 : data blocks 3072 - 4095 : WISP blocks ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.20 No programming on konilo or retro today; was tired & not feeling good. Hoping for a better tomorrow. I did post a few bits to the Forth2020 group on Facebook, with notes on bug fixes to a roulette implementation in gforth. I may port this to konilo. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.19 I've made a bit more progress on the ilo-teensy4.1 branch. Near the end of the week I'll be tackling use of a raw SD card for the blocks + rom. (While using a FAT filesystem works, it adds considerable dependencies, and it's not that hard to use `dd` on a BSD or Linux system to extract or update when needed.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.18 Monday, and back to work. One minor glucose dip during the night (treated w/a small bit of chocolate), and otherwise restful. I had a busy morning, with over a page of notes in the first hour, but it did slow down a bit after that. I've worked on the ilo-teensy4.1 code. Today I expanded the i/o interface to support some new things: analogue output (pwm & tone) and setting the RTC. I've also made use of the LED on the Teensy as an activity indicator for block i/o operations. I'll be working later this week on some additional timer stuff, and trying to get started on USB host support for the keyboard input. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.17 Sunday, so church in the morning. I ran the visuals again (and am getting more comfortable with this each week), and the audio during the first hour. In the afternoon, more reading on spec sheets, and some much needed rest. Tomorrow I'll be back to work at Neshaminy, so it should be less stressful & I might be able to get back into some actual programming. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.16 Setting up my list of things to do on the ilo-teensy4.1 update: support for setting the RTC, display support (spi), usb keyboard input support, and maybe raw SD card access. I'll also be taking a look at KiCAD to see if I can start layout on a custom Teensy based board for the final hardware models. Lots of reading on spec sheet today, along with a trip to the chiropractor & some grocery shopping. Not a bad day, though less restful overall than I'd have liked. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.15 Well, this didn't go to plan. I was at the Marmora store again, and didn't get home until after 20:00, so was quite tired and again did not get to do any programming. We ran a line down a wall for the network cables, but ran into some blockages that took four hours to deal with. But I was able to setup a bunch more transfers of material, so their shelves should be much less empty early next week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.14 I've done some planning, and think that my expense outlay for the additional hardware for the next stage will be around $60, so not too bad. I'm rather tired today, so only did a bit of reading after work. Hoping tomorrow is more productive. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.13 Was at Marmora today. Our IT team neglected to configure the VPN and firewall, so I wasn't able to get the computers & printers working. Annoying; they won't be able to make it to the store until Monday, so I'll be going back Friday with a laptop & my VPN so I can get some purchasing work done. No programming today due to tiredness. Will resume some things tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.12 Back to work at Denney today. John (the ast. manager) is out at a general manager's meeting, so I'm in charge today. I've resumed my active work on the ilo for Teensy 4.1. This is more enjoyable than dealing with the oddities of x86 PC stuff. This week I'll probably be ordering a bit more hardware for the project (looking at some header pins, an LCD display, USB cable, battery for the RTC, and a better soldering iron). I'd like to have these for the upcoming December Adventure. (If things work out, I hope to have a functional, portable Konilo machine by the end of the year) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.11 Off work today. I decided to write a new iOS app (using Swift Playgrounds). This is a pretty simple utility to keep track of expenses while I am shopping. Alex found some bugs in the initial test code, but I was able to fix these. I resumed reading the Chronicles of St. Mary's (down to just the last two books; I don't yet have any of the short stories). I'm expecting to finish one of them tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.10 Today was a decent Sunday. I ran the visuals at church again, I'm getting more comfortable doing this each week. No programming today. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.09 So glucose control today has been a bit unstable (averaging 103) with +- 10-20 point swings throughout the day. I'm hoping this settles out tonight or tomorrow. Back to a bit of programming. I've done a little work on an ilo for RP2350, and begun a few updates to the ilo for teensy4.1. On the Teensy, I'm going to try to do a raw SD setup, with the Konilo rom and blocks written to a raw SD card. I'll maintain the current version which uses an ilo.rom and ilo.blo file on a FAT filesystem, but am hoping to reduce the dependencies by just using the SD card directly. (This won't be great from a write perspective, but I'm reading blocks far more than writing them, so it should be ok). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.08 Friday. Fresh shot of Mounjaro, starting a new glucose sensor, and back to work at Neshaminy before a three day break. I hope to get some much needed rest over the weekend, and to be able to resume some work on Retro & Konilo. Today was very busy at work. This was somewhat annoying, but I was able to get caught up on everything. Evening glucose control was confusing. Dinner was healthy, but I saw a bigger than expected spike after eating. We'll see how it fares tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.07 Today continues the trend of my glucose being a bit higher than the current average. I'm not sure why this is, but am hoping it drops back to the ~85-95 range after the next shot of Mounjaro tonight or tomorrow morning. I worked at the new store in Marmora today. I've finished moving everything over to the new server rack, tweaked the wifi config a little, and then helped finish the last few things for the shelves. I started working on purchase orders for them, but was having issues with Epicor Solar, so wasn't able to complete my work on them. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.06 Glucose control is not as good today. But still acceptable. Tomorrow it's back to the Marmora store. Hoping the shelves are able to be finished so I can get on to setting up the new server rack & setting up the printers & computers. I didn't feel like doing any programming today. Maybe tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.05 Hurting a bit today (expected after more work w/shelves at the Marmora store). I'm back to work at the Neshaminy store, though I will have more to do in Marmora. (Esp. around the network & computers). Uploading my latest set of blocks so the last several days of WISP entries will be published. I was able to do a little programming tonight. While Konilo is unable to have a `see` that can generate actual source, I'm writing a bit of code to try to make disassembly a bit easier. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.04 Worked at the new store in Marmora NJ today. We finished the shelves in the mezzanine, and one set in the downstairs. Still have two more sets for downstairs to build, slat wall to hang, and I need to relocate some of the network equipment. I didn't get much sleep, so was very tired all day. Hoping this night is better. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.03 It was a pretty good day. Glucose control was good, I was able to run the visuals for church, and spent some the afternoon just reading. I don't think I'll be doing any programming tomorrow (helping to set up more shelving at Marmora), but hope to resume work on Tuesday. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.02 It was a relaxing Saturday. I spent most of the day reading, and then a little time in the evening programming. I had to free up a bunch of space on my mac. Modern macOS is very wasteful with space. I'm trying to setup a user with a home directory on an external drive so the Xcode stuff in the library won't burn through everything again. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.11.01 Hurting today. Hanging shelves & building pallet racks is more physically demanding than I'd like, and I'm not as young as I used to be. My mac mini is out of space, so I'll have to figure out why and free things up as much as possible. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.31 I spent the day at work, helping to set up a new location in Marmora NJ. We were able to get the pallet racks built, part of the shelving in the mezzanine, and I did some CAT5 terminations for the computers & printers. Too tired in the evening to do any programming. Hoping for a more relaxing day tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.30 My arm aches from the vaccination. The fixes for the retro-muri & retro-extend in python worked, so I have merged them in a series of commits, and sent a patch to the reporter. I wrote a short update for my patrons. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.29 Bi-annual physical today. My height is apparently up again, to 5' 9.5". Odd. No new health issues. I did receive a vaccine for pneumonia. Spent some time going through the retro-muri & retro-extend code so I can try to fix a bug reported in building using these. I'm pretty sure I need to make two changes: increasing the size of the initial memory buffer in retro-muri.py and then updating the header parsing in retro-extend.py. Will try to implement these tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.28 Glucose levels: good; only needed 5U of rapid this morning. I am hoping this is a sign of things to come; I'd like to use less insulin overall. I've done more work on my largest non-X11, non-mult/ilo impleme- ntation of ilo. It now restarts on errors in most cases, and will exit for others. I'm likely to have this be the default one in future public releases. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.27 Glucose levels good today. I'll have to get more insulin this week, and order the next set of Libre 3 sensors. So it'll be a bit expensive. (Looking at a min of $140 between the two, and maybe $240 if I need to order more Tresiba as well; I need to check my stock on that one). I started updating (taotaka) to cover more of the programs in my blocks. I'll try to add stuff for everything using (termina) in the sample blocks, to provide it as a starting point for newer users. I'll also be updating (kowae) as well. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.26 Well, my glucose ran higher (still normal, but closer to the previous range) all day. Not a problem, but I'm hoping it'll go back to the 80-90 range again. Reading: I'm about 70% through "First Light" and last night I read the first book the "Chronicles of St. Mary's" series. My guess is that I'll finish "First Light" tomorrow, and then get one more book read before the end of the month. My bsd.cafe stickers have arrived. Now deciding which things to put them on. (The stricers are pretty nice. I'll talk to Arland about designing some for Retro, Konilo, Nga, ilo, and ARKS). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.25 My average glucose is now down to 93 (a notable drop from the 106 it had been at for the last few months). Still stable, but it's close enough to low (~70) often enough that I feel a need to keep a close eye on it. Doing a little planning on some bits of the hardware project. I'm hoping to get back into this a lot more for #DecemberAdvent- ure this year... For Tuhi, might it make sense to offer more display modes and a way to switch between them? (e.g., it might be of some use to have custom display models for assembly or WISP entries). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.24 Another busy day at work; I didn't end up getting any programm- ing time in today, and not much reading time either. I'm looking forward to the weekend, and next month, where I have more time free. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.23 Glucose control was amazing today: under 100 all day, and no odd spikes or crashes. I'm still slowly working through the UTF32 code. It's slower than I had hoped, but at least I have a little progres. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.22 Overall glucose numbers remained good. Next book up is "First Light" by Richard Preston. It'll be a bit of a change from the last few which focused on viruses. I was able to do a little work on the UTF32 code updates in retro. Still not complete, but I'm trying to get it wrapped up so I can do a release. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.21 I've started working on a PDF template for my monthly work notes Up to now I've been using the Kindle Scribe notebooks, but think switching to PDF templates will be better long term. (I'd prefer not to be tied to a closed format, and would like to eventually try other hardware (e.g., Supernote, ReMarkable, or Boox). Glucose levels were good. My daily average is trending down a little, which is nice. I'm hoping to see the average get below 100. I read "Demon in the Freezer" and will start a new book tomorrow ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.20 Glucose was good today. It was my first time running the visuals at church for both the preliminary setup and during the message. I had a few small glitches, but think it went ok. I do have a few more things to practice with in the FreeShow software. I'll do more testing over the next week, and hope that there are fewer issues next time. I completed "Crisis in the Red Zone". Tomorrow I'll start "The Demon in the Freezer", continuing on my non-fiction reading. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.19 Glucose was a little higher than normal in the morning, but it fell back to normal levels during the afternoon. I had blood work in the morning, then walked about 2 miles. Started reading "Crisis in the Red Zone". ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.18 Glucose was good today. Work was busy again. Didn't do any programming, but hope to get back to this next week. I finished reading "The Hot Zone". ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.17 Glucose control good today. Still having allergy headaches. And it was (for me) quite busy at work again. I have about a dozen things left to wrap up, not counting whatever arises tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.16 Busy day at work. I've been battling with allergies, it's proving to be a big distraction from my projects :( ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.15 Glucose this morning was higher than I'd like, but still stable. I didn't do much programming today, but did format a few more blocks in the konilo rom & clean up some stuff in the amd64 assembly for openbsd. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.14 Glucose is stable today. I finished the ilo-amd64-openbsd update, other than some textual formatting. I'll try to complete that later today, and then can get back to other projects. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.13 My blood sugar was back to normal today. This was good, as I was very concerned after yesterday. (It didn't settle out until near midnight on Saturday). I setup the audio & visual stuff at church. Didn't do slides for the verses, there were a few glitches in this which I'll look at for next week. Just resting & reading in the afternoon/evening. After yesterday I needed a rest day. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.12 Well this has been an interesting morning. I woke up around 0600 with a low glucose alarm. Since then (it's now 0850), I've been below 70 most of the time. Could this be the Mounjaro 10.0? My endo did warn me that I might need to reduce the basal and bolus insulin, but the bolus from dinner was ~12 hours ago. I'll try to use less of the basal tonight. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.11 I have finished the initial work to use libc instead of system calls in ilo-amd64-openbsd, but it still has some issues (input handling seems to be somewhat broken, and there might be an issue with loops). I'll keep working on it. Going to bed earlier than normal as I am very tired today. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.10 I've looked at the syscall pinning stuff and after considering previous work on keeping things running via syscalls, will make a change. I'll route the kernel interactions through libc. This only affects ilo-amd64-openbsd assembly branch, and will reduce future headaches for me. I realized that a few dates in WISP were wrong. I have fixed these. I'm about halfway finished with the assembly -> block repacking. If things go well, I should complete this next week, and will then start on grouping related things better and adding more comments. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.09 I updated forth.works to OpenBSD 7.6. The upgrade process went smoothly, but the assembly version of ilo-amd64-openbsd is not compatible (it's killed due to the syscall pinning in 7.6). I'll look into fixing this. The bike tube swap took about 30 minutes, after which I did a roughly five mile ride. I'm out of shape for this, but will try to start riding a few times a week to build my endurance. I'm hoping to get an ebike or e-trike in the spring (once road work around me is finished) so I can start riding to/from work again. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.08 Allergies are getting very annoying. I hope we get past the pollen soon. I found some spare bike tubes, so tomorrow I'll replace the old ones and hopefully be able to ride again. Programming today was mostly working on the konilo assembly repack. This is progressing steadily, but slowly. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.07 Glucose still a bit higher than I'd like (stuck around 120) this morning. Hopefully it'll stabilize out and get back on track over the rest of the day. The vaccinations haven't been bad. I now have noticable pain in both upper arms, but this should pass soon. No fever or other issues (apart from the slightly worse glucose control). Not much work on programming today. Hoping to make much more progress tomorrow, assuming that the ache in my arms reduces. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.06 My glucose was good in the morning, then went crazy for the rest of the day (40+ point swings, and ran high overall). Part of it might have been due to a "sugar free" beverage, which was suppo- sed to have under 1g carbs per serving, but each time I drank a little I saw a rise shortly after. Part is probably due to the vaccinations yesterday. I ran the video broadcast for the sunday school part of the church service. This went smoothly. I have a few things to look at relating to this (I'm hoping to work out live broadcasting to youtube & facebook, from a better camera setup). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.05 Today was quiet. I had four vaccinations (flu, covid, tdap, and the first of two hep. b shots). No adverse effects today, but I suspect I'll see some effects over the next couple of days. We did a bit of grocery shopping, and I spent the afternoon just resting. Nothing else to report today. Hopefully tomorrow is also quiet and uneventful. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.04 Today started Mounjaro 10.0. It'll be interesting to see how it works compared to the 7.5. I was able to get through the day with only my basal and a single bolus in the morning. (I expect to need more than normal the next few days though, as I have a number of vaccinations scheduled for tomorrow). I continued with the block reformatting for konilo.pali. I will try to have this complete and merged sometime next week. For the RP2350 ilo, I started reading up on RISC-V assembly. While the first version will likely be in C, I am interested in eventually doing an assembly version for this. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.03 I wrote a small utility to help me review my edits to the konilo source. This is intended to make it easier to make sure that I am spacing things properly. I might make a few more tweaks to this as I go, but it'll be helpful. I did a little work on the UTF32 fixes in Retro. This is taking longer than I'd like, but at least it's progressing. As of now it should still be on track for release at the end of the month. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.02 At work, I continued helping Nick learn to do the purchasing tasks. I think he'll do well with this once he gets a litte more comfortable with the system. I've started a cleanup / reformatting of the copy of konilo.pali in the source blocks. This will (once done) have the source laid out better for the blocks. I decided to add a directive to pali to create a dictionary header entry, but haven't written this yet (probably next week?). When done, I'd like to start using a version of pali that can find the blocks in the block store and assemble from that. It'll be a step closer to a self-hosted system, and also let me work on the image from within the system. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.10.01 We've reached October. Good sleep last night, no issues w/the CPAP, and morning glucose was solid. I fasted until dinner. After dinner my glucose rose by 34 points. More than I would expect for a small salad and a bit of meat, but still within my defined normal range. It was busy at work, so I didn't get to do a lot of training, but the new guy was able to complete one PO, several transfers, and some pricing checks needed for an RMA request we're making. I added a few new cards to my wiki. I am hoping to add about two hundred new entries over October. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.30 It definitely seems like the current dose of Mounjaro isn't wor- king as well as normal. Or maybe I'm a bit sick? My glucose is not as stable as normal, and I'm needing more insulin to cover food than over the last couple of weeks. We had some new people start at work today. I'm going to be training one of them to handle some of our purchasing tasks. The other will be a warehouse & delivery driver, at least for now. We're planning to shuffle a few roles for existing people over the next couple of weeks, so it should be interesting. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.29 Last night was good for sleep & my glucose was good until dinner today. Dinner pushed me to around 134, which is ok, but I would prefer to stay at 130 or less. Only a little programming today: wrapping up the code for an inventory issue reporting tool (Python, sqlite3, and Retro). I think we're going to deploy this sometime in the next week. Spending the evening resting, and getting back into my reading. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.28 Glucose was steady during the night, but has been more variable all day. No idea why. Still safely in range, but I wish I knew why it sometimes behaves like this. Starting on the last book for my September reading. Not much time left, but I think I have a pretty good chance of hitting my target of 14 books. I setup NetBSD under UTM SE on the iPad mini. The ARM version is broken (I can't get cc to compile anything), but the i386 copy works, though it's slow and burns through battery. I'll do some investigation into the ARM64 install to see if I can figure out what's wrong. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.27 No condensation issues with my CPAP last night, and my blood glucose has been good today. So that's a win. Work was stressful. Phones were down due to the hurricane, so we had to work around that. My sales team added several extra deliveries that weren't on the plan, which made us shorthanded in the warehouse. But we made it through, and I'm going to make a few changes to the delivery planning to ensure fewer issues like this going forward. I finished The Aeronaut's Windlass by Jim Butcher and will try to start on the sequel tomorrow. Also tomorrow: I'll finish the weekly update post on Patreon, and might go for a flu & covid vaccination. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.26 Bad night for sleep (had a rain out in the CPAP tube & mask). It's been a busy day at work. Trying to get everything done has proven difficult today. And I had to leave early for a doctors visit. The doctor visit went well. My endo is pleased with my glucose level, but wants to increase the Mounjaro to 10.0 to see if I can further reduce (or hopefully eliminate?) the need for the Humalog at mealtimes. I'm having some days now where I'm only using it in the morning, so it'd be nice to get to a point where I don't need to keep an insulin pen with me and can just do a weekly shot & the nightly Tresiba shot. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.25 Busy day at work. This is the day we finalize the billing for statements, so I spent a lot of time making corrections & doing checks to make sure things were as ready as possible for this. Glucose was good. At 36 units of Tresiba (w/the Mounjaro) I'm now having days where I only need a little insulin after the morning rise. On days where I can eat clean, I might be able to go without any at lunch or dinner. Will test this next week. My RP2350 board arrived. I'll try to setup the C toolchain tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.24 I uploaded the last few days of WISP data; sorry for the delay. Last night we (Glen & I) spent a little time with FreeShow, and I now have a much better handle on creating the slides for song and bible verses, as well as laying out the slide order. I hope to be ready to take on actually running the slides within a few more days. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.23 Overall glucose was good today. Morning rise still more than I prefer, but I'm starting to not worry about this as much. My average for the last 90 days is 108. This is still higher than I would like, but it's manageable, and I'm not having any lows. The lunch meeting went ok, though (as they often do) it ran long meaning I wasn't able to finish everything I had hoped to get done at work. I completed the last book in the Revanche Series and started on the first of the two Cinder Spires novels. Tomorrow I'll select some books for the October reading list. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.22 Much better glucose control this morning. I took half of my morning insulin when I first woke up (around 4AM) and the other after I actually started my day (around 9AM). On reading, I finished the second & third books in the Revanche Cycle and made it about a quarter into the last one. I've found them more easily read than the first couple of Faust novels by the same author. I might revisit those to see if his writing on them improved in the later ones. Back to work tomorrow. I have a lunch meeting with one of our new outside salesmen, and a few things to finish up from last week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.21 As with most Saturdays, my glucose is higher than I'd like (but stayed within range) in the morning. I have been slowly increas- ing the basal (tresiba) insulin to try to deal with this. It's helping in one regard: my overall numbers for the day are better and I sometimes don't need any insulin for snack or lunch now. Reading: finished the first Revanche Cycle book and started on the second. Assuming I can keep pace on this, I'll finish it tomorrow, and might be able to finish the third as well. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.20 I finished the Patreon post on project updates and started the first book in the Revanche Cycle. This seems to be quick paced, so I think it'll only take a few days to get through. I've done a bit more work on the UTF32 code in Retro, but I will not be able to finish it this week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.19 I've started working on rewriting the file handling paths, but due to a little increase in hand pain might delay further work until next week. Currently finishing reading a short story from Charles Stross: "Escape from Yokai Land" (relating to his Laundry series). I have six more books on my planned reading list for this month: the Revanche Cycle (Winter's Reach, Instruments of Control, Terms of Surrender, and Queen of the Night) series by Craig Schaefer and the two Cinder Spires books (The Aeronaut's Windlass & the Olympian Affair) by Jim Butcher. (I'm trying to work through my rather large collection of unread books over the next few months). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.18 I've now written the basic support functions in C for the UTF32 string support. Tomorrow I get to start rewriting the source input path to use them. Not really looking forward to this, but it's a necessary task. Another good day for glucose control. I might still take the Mounjaro tomorrow evening instead of waiting until Friday, but haven't decided for sure on this yet. I also did a bit of work on packaging up the ilo benchmark tools to make future runs easier to do and much more automated. I'm hoping to have this published next week. Off to bed to rest (and hopefully sleep) now. Goodnight! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.17 Health: good glucose control today. Followup w/sleep doctor went well; I'll hopefully see improvements from use of the CPAP soon. Non-programming: with Arland's assistance, I installed new light fixtures in my mom's kitchen. It's nice & bright in there now. Next up there: installing a railing on the basement stairs. Programming: continuing to do a bit of work on the x86-native ilo. I'm hoping to work out a non-GRUB based boot process soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.16 I decided not to work on Paipera today, and instead made a few more small adjustments in the ilo-x86-native branch. It now has configurable (at build time) options for setting the number of reserved blocks at the start of the disk. For c5, I sent a patch to replace the makefile with one that is compatible with both gmake and bsd make. And an updated README to go with it. The author has merged this into their working branch, so it should be in the mainline repo soon. I might publish a "portable" qemu for windows setup (which I use on my one Windows system) if there's any interest. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.15 Some parts of the new Paipera rewrite in Swift are now working, but I still have quite a bit to do before it'll be finished. I will try to complete the current work over the next couple of days, then return to work on Retro & Konilo. (I'm also going to see if Arland can write some code to generate slides for the verses; this will probably be in Python + PIL/Pillow). Glucose has been good today (fairly flat, at 108). My test res. came in this morning. My HbA1c is down to 5.4, so a very good improvement there. The others were all in line with what I was expecting. I will need a second set of blood work to check my vitamin levels. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.14 Still having some instability in my glucose levels. I'm watching this closely, and hoping it starts improving soon. I did have blood drawn for a few tests today, so am now impatiently waiting for the results. No programming today, just relaxing as much as I can, and a bit of reading. (I'm going to need to take a day or two off work in the near future; at present my overall stress levels are growing and it's probably contributing to the higher-than-average blood sugar). Tomorrow I'll be doing a bit of iOS development on the updated Paipera app. If all goes well, I might have a beta in TestFlight soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.13 Morning glucose spiked to slightly over 150. Annoying. As of 8AM it was down to 126, which is more normal lately. Sleep was ok, no water buildup in the CPAP hose/mask, so that was nice. I submitted a small patch[1] for c5 (a new vm+forth) to allow it to build on OpenBSD & FreeBSD. It still needs GNU make to handle the Makefile, but I'm looking into this. I'm starting to extend the ( sigil in RetroForth a bit further. When done it'll support creating comments for all three stacks, which should be helpful going forward. [1] https://charles.childe.rs/patches/c5/support-bsd.patch ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.12 More RetroForth work today. I had Arland help with generating the code to convert the words.tsv into data that I could include in the image, and now the image has stack diagrams for all three stacks, as well as descriptions for most words. With this, I've updated retro-describe(1) to use the internal data, making it much faster. As a result, a typical glossary generation with retro-document(1) now takes under 2 seconds, a savings of nearly 30 seconds off the previous. I still have more to do: checking the diagrams, cleaning up some descriptions, a little restructuring, and writing a few quick tools to find words that are missing documentation. But I won't be doing this today. Maybe tomorrow, or early next week? ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.11 I went back into RetroForth today, adding in new header fields for address & float stack comments, and a field for a descript- ion. Tomorrow I might try to tie in the data from the words.tsv to this. I sent Arland some stuff to see if he can help me with it. My glucose control was worse than normal today. Part of this is the Mounjaro (I injected into a site other than my lower belly, and I've found the effects are reduced in other injection sites) Part is due to stress. I've had a rather stressful week so far, and no sign of it improving yet. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.10 Today was focused on work projects. I'm expanding a small tool for reporting inventory issues to work across all of our stores and making some internal improvements along the way. This will expand the number of users from around a dozen to well over 200. As with the rest of the system, it's written around a set of smaller programs using Forth, C, and some Python. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.09 I ended up with a rainout in my CPAP tubing twice last night. So both tubes & the mask are now hanging, hopefully to dry during the day. This is getting very annoying now. Today was a deep dive into RetroForth. I added a new header field, d:stack, which holds a pointer to a stack comment for the word. I also extended the ( sigil to record the stack comment if it starts as (: This is the second step towards having documentation as part of the image (the first being the addition of d:source). As work continues, I will add in fields for address & floating point effects, and maybe general description and examples. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.08 After church we helped move out (and break down) the old pews to prepare for new seating & carpet. My kids all helped (and did a lot more than me). It's a change; the existing pews had been in place for over 37 years (covering my entire time attending), so it'll feel different when this is complete. Feeling a bit off in the evening. Might be nutrition related; I haven't exactly been eating much the last few days. I'll try to get back on track this next week. I did a little work on the new Retro listener, but nothing I'm ready to commit to the repository yet. I'm making some changes in the `watch` functionality to make it a bit easier to work with. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.07 Woke up with a bloody nose this morning. I think these are due to a need for increased humidity in the CPAP. Tonight I'll try to bump it a little higher and hope it doesn't accumulate water. I spent a little time playing with the new ilo.c from veltas. A copy will be merged into the fossil & git repos soon. Also doing a bit more work on benchmarking tooling; hoping to have a better way to do these sometime next week. In reading, I finished a re-read of the Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher, and have started Escape From Yokai Land, which is a short story in the Laundry series by Charles Strauss. I think it'll be done this evening, so I'll start something else after church tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.06 I fixed a couple of reported documentation & tooling issues in Retro, and updated the copy of the konilo pali source in my blocks to fix the incorrect instruction bundles. Looking at the blocks, I'll probably do some edits to make it easier to read the konilo source in them. veltas sent me an ilo.c with heavy use of #define to inline most of the system into a single function. This is slightly faster than the standard vm, but still slower than his amd64 assembly version. Doing something like this for ARKS might make sense. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.05 I'll need to try to get the CPAP working with a slightl higher humidity as I'm starting to have nosebleeds that seem to be due to dry nose. For the last week and a half I've basically just been eating a salad for dinner and occasionally for lunch. My nutritionist would prefer me to eat something every few hours, but lately I just can't. Back to programming. I'm reading through my notes on the vmm: code again, and trying to get back into it so I can wrap this up. I'm just bored with it; I know *how* to finish the code, but don't feel motivated to actually spend the time to type it in. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.04 I made a small change to the assembler; `code:` now adds a jump over the header. This allows it to be used for creating general labels. An alias as `label:` has also been added. And that's about it for today. I'm tired, so just planning to spend the evening reading a bit and then will try to get to bed early. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.03 Back to work at my $dayjob today. In the morning, still dealing with congestion, but the headache from yesterday is much reduced so I think I'll make it through the day. I didn't end up doing anything on vmm: today, but I did update the git repositories for Konilo. I also found & fixed several invalid instruction bundles in the ilo.rom. And wrote an implem- entation of `prior` for the optional extensions. So it was some- what productive. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.02 I woke up with a bad headache and a return of the congestion I was dealing with Friday and Saturday. So I ended up just resting and reading. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.09.01 First of a couple of weeks at church where we'll be having a modified schedule. I did the morning setup on the sound system and displays, and am more comfortable with this. I do still need to get more familiar with the presentation software. More reading time today, not planning to do any programming, but I am doing some journaling around various ideas. I might do some typing tomorrow if my hands are ok. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.31 A quiet Saturday, I spent it mostly resting and reading. It was a pleasant day, though I didn't really do anything on my project tasks. Glucose levels have been slightly unstable. Still solidly in range, but with a greater than normal deviation. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.30 I was able to publish the weekly review to Patreon today, and do a little writing on the new (vmm) blocks. I have a few things in this to wrap up, but will try to do so over the long weekend if my health doesn't get worse. For a health update: glucose levels good; hand pain is moderate; back is doing well; but I might be getting a cold (hopefully not anything worse). Not sure if I'll do the CPAP tonight or skip until I'm less congested. I fixed some issues w/the irc bot, and added a little text from my blocks to forth.chat (adding some short comments on the bots in the channel). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.29 iSH isn't working correctly with ENTER. This is becoming very irritating. I might see about using Blink to connect to the And- roid phone instead. (At least until/unless I get a proper term- inal emulator + ilo working on the iPad). Reworking some of the version control stuff again. Should I pub- lish the handwritten notes for this? Getting this to a usable state is something I hope to do soon. In RetroForth I've finished updating a few more s: words to deal with truncation on overlong strings. I need to review the rest soon, but think that most are covered now. I'll also need to think about doing something similar for the a: words. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.28 On the iPad, I've built an ilo under a-shell, but it doesn't seem to work correctly (specifically, I want character breaking input, and can't get it to work via stty(1), and termios is missing). Apart from this, it seems to work pretty well, and may be faster than under iSH. I'll probably upload the wasi binary for use with konilo.sh if I don't find any actual bugs after more testing. I updated my floppy image build script for ilo-native-x86; it now adds a copy of the rom, basic blocks, binaries, and ilo vm source. I have a few things to do relating to the native system, so will try to wrap those up in early September. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.27 Today marks 532 entries in WISP. This is the longest I've ever done on a daily log, and I'm looking forward to continuing it. Last night's sleep was less than optimal. After a bit over two hours I woke up due to a rainout in my CPAP hose & mask. I was able to get it dry enough to use for another hour, but the wait cost me two hours of rest time. It's probably a matter of find- ing the right humidifer settings for my rather cold bedroom. I have cloned my working environment under iSH. It's a lot slow- er than Termux. I'll try to get the environment configured to work better. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.26 Delving a bit into assembly today, as I'm hoping to get the ioctl() stuff working using syscalls on OpenBSD. If I can, I'll work on updating the other amd64 assembly sources as well. I got tired of just looking at the headers, so have fetched a git mirror of the src repository. I haven't had time to delve deeply into this yet, but will try to do so soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.25 I was able to assist with the audiovisual stuff at our church this morning, which was interesting. I may be doing more of this in the near future, so I have obtained manuals for the equipment and will begin reading through them. Not doing any programming this evening, but I have spent some time reviewing my vmm: code and comparing it to my notes. If my hands aren't worse tomorrow, I'll be trying to get back into writing code. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.24 CPAP update: no condensation issues last night, and I was able to get about five hours of use with it (about double the first several nights). Some discussion in ##forth has me thinking about dusting off the roff(1) implementation I started working on some time ago. This will be something needed for the gradual rewrite of Unix tools in Forth, so I might try to work on it more soon. For today, my hands are feeling a little better, so I've done a little work to prepare for next week's projects. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.23 Still having more hand pain than normal, so decided not to do any significant writing or programming today. I got a tube wrapper for my CPAP machine, which will hopefully help the condensation issues. I also tweaked the low pressure to a slightly higher level to try to make it more comfortable for me. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.22 Fun times w/the CPAP. I'm having issues with condensation in the hose (drained off a lot of water from it this morning). I'll do some research on how to deal with this. My right hand & wrist are quite painful today. This has made all of my work & programming difficult, so I ended up not doing any coding after work. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.21 I'm back to doing a bit of work on the IRC bridge. This is an interesting diversion, and I'll have some notes to publish in the near future. In Konilo, I've added `vt:mono` and `vt:colored` to toggle an option to silently drop color requests via (termina). This is helpful if running on something like an eink display where color is likely not present. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.20 I received the Mobiscribe Wave and installed Termux on it. So I finally have an eink system with Konilo. When Termux is set to a grayscale color palette it's not too bad, though I'll need to explore the display modes to try to minimize ghosting. Battery life when running Termux does take a noticable hit vs reading. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.19 I've had a few days with the Kindle Scribe now. I really like it for notes, but not really as an ereader. It'd be nice if there was a smaller size (closer to the Paperwhite or an A6 paper). (This makes me even more interested in trying the Mobiscribe Wave and eventually Supernote Nomad A6X2). I'll continue to use it for notes at work & on my projects and we'll see if I still enjoy it in a few weeks. My new CPAP machine & mask has arrived, so I can start treating the sleep apnea tonight. It'll be interesting to see if this makes a difference in my overall health. I did a small bit more work on the vmm: code. I should be able to complete this later this week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.18 Let's get back to some programming discussion. Yesterday I did a little work on vmm: and added support for full line comments to the `list:syntax` in the Tuhi editor. Today I continued writing the vmm: code. I've added a new block for words performing address calculations, and finished the `vmm:stats` and `vmm:details` (as described in my handwritten notes). I also began a colorized `titles` which can indicate blocks as code, text, or binary via color. I don't know if this is a good thing yet, more consideration is needed before I try adding it (or similar) into the `catalogue`. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.17 I uploaded a copy of whiti to forth.works/share/whiti.py (this is the Python implementation of a quick fifo based bridge for using ilo (or unix programs using just stdin/stdout) from an IRC client. It's not finished and probably is buggy, but it's been able to let me keep a system running for several hours, so I have decided to share it in hopes that it's useful to someone as a reference or starting point towards something more robust. In my mobile computing, I've definitely crossed a threshold. I have noticed that I now default to grabbing my Android devices rather than the iPad or iPhone. Termux works very well for my desire to have an offline unix-like system, even if it's not a BSD. It'll be interesting to see if it works well on a small eink tablet. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.16 Update on the Kindle Scribe. It's a bit large for reading (esp. as my Kindle format books don't support the two column mode) in many cases, but it's been pretty great for notes. I had to manually do an update to get the new sleep timer option which fixes an annoyance (the original firware put the device to sleep after only 10 minutes, which is too short for me.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.15 I received a Kindle Scribe today. It's pretty nice. The hardware feels solid, the glass writing surface is lightly textured and I am enjoying writing on it. There aren't a lot of tools apart from basic pen, marker, pencil and highlighters. But it's enough for note taking. Those wanting something for art might need more though. Tomorrow I'll be using it at work, for note taking during the day. I should have a better feel for it as a digital notepad after that. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.14 I didn't work on the vmm: code, but did dust off some test code for IRC communications. I fixed a couple of issues, and think I might finally be able to get a working ilo with the console over IRC. This won't be practical for (termina) programs, but it is still something I'd like to do. Due to some changes with Patreon as a result of Apple's ongoing stupidity, I'll be setting up some alternative options for those wanting to support the project. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.13 I tested reading some of my handwritten notes as a PDF on the Kindle. It worked ok, but I think I'll need to drop the back- ground coloring before the export. I'm trying to get back to the vmm: vocabulary, but haven't quite had a block of time to devote to it yet. Maybe tomorrow... ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.12 Last night was very bad for sleep: I woke up around 1AM and was not able to get back to sleep, so I'm very tired. Work was annoying. We have 2 people out in the warehouse, and 1 driver out, so were shorthanded. I spent the morning getting orders ready to go out, then picked up on sales stuff shortly before lunch. I did find some time to work on online training modules which I've been neglecting for the last six months... I'm making headway on getting the bible formatted as blocks. It should be ready to import in another day or two. I'm allowing up to three verses per block, so this will likely be around 10,000 blocks. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.11 I didn't do any programming today. I'm reading the third Mistborn book, and will try to finish it tomorrow. I'm curious to see how this trilogy will end. I have some idea of where it's going, so it'll be fun to see if I am correct. Yesterday I picked up an Owala water bottle. There are a few things I like (particularly. the straw/mouthpiece works well, and the slight indentions on the sides make it easier to hold than my Zojirushi). I'm not thrilled with the opening mech. for the mouthpiece. It sticks a bit, and feels a little hard to close. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.10 I started the day by adding new entries to my personal wiki. It will likely have everything I used to have in my collection of index cards within another month or two, as well as many things I didn't have written down previously. Writing of the virtual memory manager has begun. For my testing purposes, I'm only using 14 blocks (14,336 extra cells), but it is configurable at runtime if more or less space is needed. As part of my "unix userland in forth" work, I'll be doing a roff(1) implementation. Not sure how far I'll take it, but it'll be useful for a few things, and give me another example for the collection. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.09 I was able to post the weekly update to Patreon today. I also designed a new welcome block for Konilo. I didn't get to start on the virtual memory words yet. Maybe tomorrow? This will be a way of using a portion of the blocks as expanded RAM, via a banking scheme. On the new chip from RPi, I've done a bit more reading on it and it definitely looks a lot more viable for my needs than the old one. I'll definitely be ordering a Pi Pico 2 board (or similar?) this month to try out. An update to the Teensy4.1 ilo is getting closer. I'm adding in an interface to read/write/call the physical RAM. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.08 I didn't do much coding today. I spent some time looking at the UTF32 handling code in RetroForth, trying to figure out the bug that's causing corruption with emoji in a source file as opposed to the listener. I might be able to merge the two input paths, or at least reduce the duplication significantly. On health, I was able to order a new CPAP machine and mask. I now have to wait for my doctor to send in a copy of my prescri- ption. Hopefully they'll do so quickly. Raspberry Pi has a new Pico board with a new SOC that has both ARM and RISC-V cores. And enough RAM to allow for running ilo. I've added this to my planned hardware purchases as it might be much more cost effective than the current Teensy4 based work. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.07 I upgraded forthworks.com to FreeBSD 14.1. The upgrade process still feels clumsy to me. Definitely not as quick & easy as on OpenBSD. Other than more work on Retro's string words, I have begun to write out notes on a virtual memory system (mapping a bank of RAM to a portion of the blocks). I will try to actually write the code for this soon, but that'll depend on how painful typing becomes. I'm just barely back to being able to type with only a light amount of discomfort, and really don't want it to get worse again. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.06 It was a busy day at work. I had a lunch meeting with our new outside sales person, and did a lot of quoting. On RetroForth, I finished fixing `s:temp` and added a few new words (`s:overlong?` and `s:truncate`) that will be helpful as I continue making the string vocabulary more robust. Tammie & I watched Deadpool & Wolverine. While very light on any actual plot, it was an enjoyable time. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.05 Hot and muggy again. This should break on Wednesday, after the storm passes through tomorrow. I started work on some stability improvements to RetroForth, drawing from a recent Gemini post from @continue. This is likely to consume a fair amount of my coding time for the coming weeks. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.04 The heat and humidity continue to be a problem. There'll be at least a few more days until this breaks though. I'll be starting to put aside some funds for a few new hardware items: a Supernote Nomad A6X2, an MNT Pocket Reform, a Pinecil, and the remaining components (key switches, diodes, SPI LCD, FRAM breakout board, and 18650 battery holder & battery) for the hardware project. This is separate from the ongoing medical expenses I'm also trying to find a way to cover. (Mainly a new CPAP machine). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.03 My glucose control was a little looser today, probably due to being less active. I had a visit with my chiropractor, picked up some essentials for the coming week, and then spent the afternoon reading. My reading speed is slower than it used to be, but that's partly due to vision issues that have started to arise. I'm having some difficulty focusing on nearby items. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.02 Friday. It was hot and humid again, and work was quite busy. I didn't quite get to finish all of my tasks, so I have several items stacked up for Monday. (I did bring my work laptop home, but will try not to actually use it...) I started thinking about ways to store image data in the blocks. It would be interesting to be able to draw on a block and view the drawing later. This won't quite mesh up to the actual blocks (a bitmap is likely to use more than 1024 cells), but could be useful if we run on a device with a stylus. Two more days until Arland is home for a bit. It'll be nice to collaborate a bit, though he'll be quite busy with the marching band. I did pick up some flour & yeast for his baking. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.08.01 I didn't do much programming today, but did start writing out details on the new filesystem. It's a lot simpler than the prior ones. For non-work stuff, still working through the Mistborn novels, and listening to music. It's hot today, so I didn't do any large walks. A little depressing to be back in the heat. I hope it does not last too long. It'll soon be time to try getting other languages running on ilo (and Konilo). Other than Namako, I'm going to look at a BASIC and maybe a small LISP or Scheme. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.31 Today was annoying. Several people called out at work, so we were shorthanded. Then after work, I tried switching to my next Libre 3 CGM sensor, and it failed. So now I'm stuck using finger sticks until Friday when my next shipment of sensor arrive. In good news, my new glasses arrived, so I'm now able to see clearly again (since 2020 my vision worsened so I was only able to see at about 20/50 with the old pair of glasses). It'll take a day or so to get used to these, but well worth it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.30 I'm still having hand and wrist pain, so my computing time is limited. I hope this doesn't get too much worse as I'd really like to get back to actively programming. I've started reading the original series of Mistborn books by Brandon Sanderson. It's been enjoyable so far (I'll probably complete the first book tomorrow or Thursday, depending on how tired I am after work tomorrow) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.29 Back to work. And some stress. I'm working with Mike to get him doing the truck routing. Once he takes over I should have more time during the day to work on my tasks. I'm thinking about file systems again. I might try writing a new one later this year. (Something less complex than the previous unix-inspired model). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.28 Battery life on the Kindle isn't as good as I'd like, esp. with the backlight on. But it'll work for now. I've finished three books between yesterday and today, and have started a fourth. It's nice to have a chance to read a bit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.27 Resting my hands from typing for the weekend due to an increase in pain. So this post and tomorrow's will be short. I've migrated my ebooks back onto a Kindle for reading (I missed eink for this!) and am starting to look at things like the A6X2 Supernote Nomad & Boox devices for handwritten notes. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.26 I'm going to prepare static builds of ilo for the common Unix hosts (Free, Open, & NetBSD; Linux; macOS) for use with the konilo.sh script. These will incorporate additional error checks and setup/restoration of termios settings. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.25 Picked up three of four prescriptions today. The Tresiba won't be ready until the 29th, but I still have ~15 days worth left, so that shouldn't be a problem. I'm still working on the Graphica-1 code. Didn't finish it today and I don't know if I'll be able to finish tomorrow either. I will try to have it done before the end of the weekend though. Glucose control was very good today. I'm surprised by this as I normally see a moderate decline in control this long after the last shot of Mounjaro. Hopefully it will continue to work well. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.24 Today was good for glucose control, averaging just under 100, except in the morning & at meals. (I rose to 110-115 at these points). Haven't had dinner yet though. After dinner my glucose remained stable. The 7.5mg dose of Mounjaro has been working well this week. It's a bit humid tonight, and I'm going to bed earlier than normal. Goodnight! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.23 My back is hurting, which may be a sign that I need to see the chiropractor more frequently. Not enough of a problem to prevent me from working, but I'd prefer it not to get bad again. Ben spent the evening playing Minecraft w/Arland. This delayed me from being able to work on the Mac, so all I accomplished was a small update to the label printing application. I'll have to put down some guidelines for how long he can play for... ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.22 It'll be an expensive week since I'm due to refill my various prescriptions (mounjaro, humalog, tresiba, metformin, and libre3 sensors). Annoying, but necessary if I want to stay healthy. Work lunch today w/Dustin & Jenni. It was longer than I'd like (took about an hour and a half), but it was slow at work, and I still finished most of my outstanding tasks. I'm trying to complete Graphica-1 (for monochrome) this week. It should be doable if my ability to type remains, but I am still having some minor pain, so might take longer. Tomorrow I will do a bit of reconfiguring of the cron jobs to try to get WISP updating a little more quickly. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.21 Contemplating options for a small tablet. I miss my iPad mini 6 and would like something a bit larger than the S22 Ultra for a variety of things. I'm considering a few things with this, but won't make a decision for a little while. Today I had a little scare with glucose; my numbers dropped to a level lower than I'm comfortable with. (Still in the safe range, but closer to the 70's than the 100-110 I've been at for the last few weeks). I'll probably start slightly reducing the mealtime insulin tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.20 Glen's eye exam is done, so I'll be able to start getting new glasses ordered next week. More expenses, but worthwhile ones. A couple of notes: I have a working FreeBSD/aarch64 on iPad+UTM. It needed to be installed with ZFS, using UFS failed to give me a mountable root for some reason. Still no luck on an OpenBSD install, but I was able to install OpenBSD/i386 under QEMU on my Android tablet and it works there. I decided to do some more work on konilo.sh and the binaries. I want to make it easier to do a build-from-source, and need to switch to static binaries in more cases. For the BSD variants it might be best to default to building from source as they ship with the C compiler already. Not sure on this yet though. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.19 Today begins the second week of the 7.5 dose of Mounjaro. I'm hoping that it will help bring my average glucose numbers down a little further. So I didn't make much progress on Graphica-1 today. I started, but got a bit distracted while looking at code posted in the ##forth irc channel. Then a bit of evening shopping, picking up kids, and making dinner. So tomorrow I'll pick back up on this and try to get everything in place so work on the autoselection can be done. (Basically, a customized * load block that'll detect the graphica level and load the appropriate blocks). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.18 We've been getting eye exams done this week. No serious issues, but changes to all of the prescriptions, so now I'll need to start ordering new glasses for everyone. Today was cooler than it's been. Still hot, but cooler, and the humidity is lower, so it feels much nicer. I'll be working on Graphica-1 a little tomorrow. Probably won't make a lot of progress on it, but small steps eventually get results. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.17 My hands are starting to feel better, but I decided to not push things and took another rest day. I expect to do some coding tomorrow. As an aside, it looks like the current heat wave will lessen for a few days starting tomorrow. This might help me get more done. I've not had any real luck with getting a BSD working under UTM on the iPad yet. This weekend I'll see if FreeBSD works, and may give a deeper look at getting an ARM OpenBSD or NetBSD working. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.16 Still having some hand pain, so didn't do any actual programming again. I did review the Graphica-0 code, and am prepared to start on the Graphica-1 system as soon as my hands are doing better. I also did some reading concerning the IBM PC BIOS ROM structure as a possible stepping stone towards an ilo-in-rom. I think it could be made to work, though I'll need to give some thought to the process for loading an ilo.rom from disk. I'll probably try it under emulation, and, if I ever get a Pocket386, would like to try to make a ROM chip for it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.15 Due to hand pain I didn't do any programming today. I'm hoping to resume work tomorrow or Wednesday. I did a bit of computer maintenance on my work machine today. My Windows install is broken (clicking on Excel or Word files causes the file explorer to crash), and I really don't know why modern OSes are so large. It's frustrating. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.14 Almost halfway through July already. Where does the time go? UTM was approved (at least for now) on iPad, so I downloaded and tried to get an OpenBSD install working. It installs (both i386 and ARM), but I get a series of segfaults during the subsequent boots. Quite annoying. I'll try FreeBSD and NetBSD later this week. Konilo's native-x86 branch does work fine though. I replaced my old Logitech K480 keyboard (the power switch on the old one had failed, and it had some other issues). It's a heavy, somewhat hard to type on membrane board with a slot for a tablet or phone. I do like it, but wish I could get this with an atreus style board instead. Maybe a project for later this summer or in the fall? ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.13 Still hot and humid. The Mounjaro 7.5 I took yesterday (a dose increase) is making me feel a bit unwell. A bug report was made for RetroForth, concerning `script:name` when used at the listener. I hadn't considered this, so have taken some time to start a proper fix for it. But I didn't get it completed today; I'll try to finish it tomorrow. A busy week coming up. Apart from work, I have an eye exam and a visit with my nutritionist. And then there are more visits for the kids. Not really looking forward to this, but I am overdue for an eye exam and do need to get new glasses. (The current pair is over four years old now, and my backups broke some time ago). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.12 I pushed the changes, and started (but did not yet complete) a patreon post. I'll try to finish that tomorrow or Sunday. At work, I stayed busy. Didn't have time to do anything on the work side of my projects. Maybe I'll be able to get some things done over the weekend if the humidity breaks. Off to bed for today, hoping for a productive Saturday. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.11 I've finished the Graphica-0 code for the native-x86 branch and will push it to the repository tomorrow. I'm also going to push another change to the on-disk installation. To prepare for some future work, I'll be setting the on-disk setup to: Blocks 000-003: MBR, boot loader space Blocks 004-068: ilo-native-x86 binary Blocks 069-133: unmodified konilo rom Blocks 134-198: user modified copy of konilo rom Blocks 199: reserved for padding / future use Blocks 200+ : data blocks This will use around 796KB of disk storage, but will provide me room to pursue a number of projects in the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.10 Hot & humid today. The office at work is tolerable, but someone turned off the AC in the upstairs break room, so it took most of the day to get that area back to usable. I'm working on finishing merging the Graphica-0 stuff into the native-x86 ilo branch. Due to a bit of hand pain I didn't finish today, but will try to do so tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.09 I've been having higher than expected jumps in my glucose around dinner time recently. I'm not sure what's causing them, and am hoping it's only temporary. (Not dangerously high, but about 15 to 20 points higher than in the last few weeks) Today I spent some time looking at possibly building a non-GRUB based loader for ilo-native-x86. I don't think I'll pursue this further right now, but I'd like to circle back to it at a later time. For tomorrow, I'm going to try to complete the graphica-0 on the native system. This should be pretty straightforward, but the test process is a little slow. I also need to prepare an updated emulation for the website to incorporate recent changes. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.08 Today's work on the native x86 ilo vm went well. I have it setup alongside a FreeDOS system and can boot either Konilo (via GRUB) or FreeDOS, and no data corruption seems to be occuring. I'll now start on the code to get an ilo.rom on disk and enabling of `rom:save`. After that comes work to get Graphica-0 running on it. (While it'd be slow, I'd like to try this on a Pocket386 at some point). It's still quite hot. But things at home are a bit better. Jenni gave me a new air conditioner, so I now have two rooms with AC, making things a little more bearable. Many thanks to her for the generous gift. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.07 Today was hot. I picked up a second fan for my bedroom, which is helping, but I'd prefer for temperatures well below 40C. I've started on the updates to Konilo for native-86. (Maybe I should give this an actual name?). The first project is changing the ilo vm to skip the first block (4096 bytes) on disk (leaving room for a partition table) and then leaving some space for an on-disk ilo rom. This will allow a Konilo system to exist along with other OSes, as long as you leave the first partition for Konilo and configure the `Blocks` properly. I'll write a guide for this when it's done. Anyway, enough for today; try to stay cool and I'll have more to share tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.06 I had to reach out to Arland for some help debugging the g:line word. It's now working, so the initial graphica vocabulary is done. Now we'll have to write some demonstration code using it. When we do the level 1 system we'll be publishing a VM that adds support for colors. I'm personally ok with the current black & white model, but Arland needs color for some of his plans. I do suspect that most users will prefer color support. Tomorrow I start on the updates to Konilo's native-x86 branch. If it goes well I'll have quite a few improvements to it over the next week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.05 It's hot and humid. The forecast models say it'll be like this for at least another three days. Quite annoying. I'm about halfway done updating the graphica vocabulary in the blocks. For the initial set, it's basically the same as my old (crc:drawing) words, but updated to use points instead of x,y pairs on the stack. I still expect to publish this tomorrow. For Konilo's x86-standalone branch, I think I'll be able to get several updates done next week: changing the install process to allow loading the kernel & blocks from disk, leaving room for a partition table & mbr, and support for graphica level 0 are all planned. (Longer term [DecAdv2024?] I might try to finish the disk partition tool & do a custom bootloader) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.04 For my USA readers, happy independence day. This year I feel pessimistic about the direction this country is heading in, but I'll keep trying to do what little I can to improve things. My work on finishing the mult/ilo+graphica code has continued to progress. The VM code is all working now, and I've spent the day cleaning up the structure, adding comments and additional error checks, and refactoring some of the longer functions. It should be ready to publish by Saturday. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.03 Work was moderately stressful today. But I'm now off until the 8th, so am looking forward to a bit of rest and time to both write & work on my projects. I took a look at the permacomputing website. There's overlap with my work on Konilo, though I've not been aiming to follow it. (Notably, I'm interested in bootstrapping, and believe it could be achieved for Konilo fairly quickly, but I probably won't write the code for this unless a need actually arises.) I'm trying to work on the manual, but this is difficult. How to actually explain Konilo, my goals for it, and then provide the material to let someone learn it is hard. I'm not a great writer of documentation, though I do try. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.02 I found a few small display bugs relating to the buttons when using the keyboard to switch sessions. I'll have these fixed tomorrow. Some minor stress at work, but my glucose has been better today. Averaging about 115. I added the graphica.txt & hardware.txt to the konilo docs repo. A full spec for Graphica Level 0 is now being written. This will be published alongside the code later this week. Otherwise, not much happened today. Have a good night everyone. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.07.01 I have the mult/ilo+graphica working, with the button code for session switching. It's fully functional, but I want to clean up the formatting and structure before I push it to the repo. Today wasn't good for my glucose. I stayed in range, but have been between 130 - 150 most of the day. Hopefully it'll be back to lower levels tomorrow. Joseph & his family made it through the hurricane without any injuries or damage to their house. It'll probably be another few days before I find out if his church & school buildings survived. Off to bed now; goodnight. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.30 Since Arland doesn't read the ##forth logs, I'll mention these: http://charles.childe.rs/hardware.txt has notes on the hardware project and http://charles.childe.rs/graphica.txt has the notes on the graphica extension. It looks to be another hot week coming up. Good news for me is that I'm off work Thursday & Friday, so I might be able to focus on my projects those days. More headway on the Graphica-0 today. Tomorrow I start adding in the new buttons for session switching, then I'll have the C part done for ilo/x and mult/ilo/x. The `g:` vocabulary for level 0 is about 90% done, and I have a `(crc:drawing)` variant using `g:` (for compatibility purposes). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.29 A couple of nights ago I talked to Arland about something I am working on: a vocabulary for treating groups of blocks as a file (with create, open, close, read, write, seek, size operations). This is essentially a very simple file system in the blocks. And it's being written to work nicely within the existing tools. These files are identified by their title line, with the last several characters in the line reserved for data about the file. There are some limits. I'm currently limiting files to a max of 32 blocks, which must be sequential in memory. (We can relax this later if needed). The size for the file is reserved at the time of creation. I'll probably write some utilities to allow growing or shrinking them later on. I hope these words prove useful in writing more complex programs within Konilo & Retro. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.28 One nice thing about Termux is that I can run things like VNC and SSH servers on my tablet. This lets me connect in from my work machine, or various local computers, rather than needing to call out to the VPS. Keeping it local is faster, and more secure since everything stays in a network I control. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For my sleep apnea, I'll need to come up with around $500 for the machine & a mask. I don't know how I'll find the funds; my savings have already been depleted paying for existing medical things, and I'm basically out of time to cash in from work. I'll find a way to get this, but it's somewhat stressful for now. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.27 I need to avoid breaded things. We went to BWW for lunch and my glucase rose to its highest point in the last couple of weeks even with a technically properly increased dose of insulin. I'll be making some changes to Konilo on native-x86. The plans are: (1) don't write into the first 4096 bytes of the disk (to preseve MBR), keep the next 64 blocks reserved for an on-disk rom, and have the data blocks follow this. These should allow for more installation options while coexisting w/other systems. Brief health update: it took six days, but IBX finally approved the "prior authorization" for me to continue w/Mounjaro, and the pharmacy has filled the script, so I can move to 7.5 when I fin- ish the 5.0 in two weeks. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.26 I spent a bit of time testing Konilo's x86-native branch on the 86box emulator. It's slow to startup (as expected) and when syntax highlighting is enabled, but is usable even on an emulat- ed 386SX at 25MHz. I'll likely be providing an option to use a pre-extended image (with the stdlib & apps already loaded) on this soon, which will make things much faster. Health update: glucose remains very good, but my hands are in a lot of pain now, and I'm starting to have back pain again. For the back, I'll see my chiropractor tomorrow and probably a few times next week. Hands will need rest, which might not happen in the short term due to events at work. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.24 Today has been considerably cooler than last week. It's still hot, but windy, and less humid, so it's bearable. I'm writing a modified konilo.sh for use w/termux. It'll handle both the console & x11 systems, including installing the needed dependencies (if desired). I tried the cosmocc from the cosmopolitan libc project; it ran ok on my OpenBSD box, but I've not yet tried the binary on other platforms yet. More experiments are needed. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.23 A hot Sunday. Tomorrow might be a little cooler than today was. My glucose was solid all day (between 98 & 129), which was nice. I hope it stays stable tomorrow as well, but with a return to work & stress it's likely to go higher. I'm continuing my X11 setup work; I'll prepare a short set of instructions on setting it up and getting to a usable Konilo on mult/ilo w/graphica. Tomorrow I'll be doing a Patreon post; I've not done one in June due to work & hand pain in the evenings, but I want to provide a update on the progress. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.22 Another hot day. (I should build a little weather station to track temp, humidity, and such). At least the morning wasn't too bad. We've had some health & weather discussions in #retro over the past few days. And the changes to the clog bot seem to help with keeping it actually running. On the Tab S6 Lite, it does struggle with some aspects of multi- taking, but I am able to do a decent split w/IRC and Konilo, as well as showing my CGM data. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.21 It's been a very hot week, which is making it hard to work on my projects in the evenings. We should get a couple of cooler days after the weekend, but then it's supposed to return to being hot through the end of next week. I have the updated mult/ilo+x11 w/session switching buttons on the android tablet now, and have begun porting over the graphica (level 0) code. I should have this done tomorrow, and then I may be able to work a bit more quickly as long as I remember to pack a keyboard when heading to cooler areas to work. Health update: I still have sleep apnea, and a script was placed for a new CPAP machine. Also going to move to Mounjaro 7.5 and hopefully start reducing the insulin use further. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.20 I've merged the button code into mult/ilo, so can now use the mouse to switch between the sessions. This also provides a visual indicator of which session is active. I'll start adding the Graphica-0 device support tomorrow, so this X11 thing will be much more useful soon. For graphica/ui, I'd like to find a model that works apart from a classical windowed approach. I will start reviewing older GUI designs (particularly those for lower resolution displays) to hopefully get some ideas. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.19 Despite the uncomfortable equipment, I did manage to get some sleep last night. John is back at work, so I'm now able to start getting caught up on my outstanding tasks. I've taken a little look at Arland's Hautau math code, and began very early steps towards Konilo & RetroForth implementations. I do not expect this to be quick as I need to try to actually understand the logic as I work through it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.18 I did a bit of work under X11 today. I've adapted an ilo to have buttons at the bottom of the display. These switch between three different block sets. I'll probably merge this into mult/ilo+x11 and have the buttons switch instances. Going to bed early tonight since I have a sleep study. It's hot, and rather uncomfortable. Hopefully my apnea hasn't worsened since my last study in 2008. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.17 Arland has sent me the latest code for his number system; I am (slowly) reviewing it and might start the Konilo implementation in the near future. Presently looking at three machines: a low power one (using a Teensy 4.1, and serial interface), my desired slab unit & the clamshell Arland wants. We'd like to design a memory card for the blocks (something larger than an SD card, though we might use an SD card in a carrier to make this easier). I'll have a lot more to write about on this whole topic over the summer months. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.16 For Father's Day I just tried to rest and relax. This was mostly successful. Back to yesterday: I'm going to attempt to build a couple of the Konilo boxes before the end of the year. I also am starting to budget to hopefully order an MNT Reform Pocket at some point. Following with Arland's desires, there will be two variations, one will be a slab style (similar to the Cambridge Z88) and one will be a more traditonal clamshell design. On to contemplating the remaining hardware choices... ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.15 I'm sick of modern software development. I'm writing this in Konilo, running on an Android tablet which, despite having more CPU, RAM, and storage than my ancient Celeron based laptop from 1999 is unable to multitask effectively and so many "apps" take far more space & ram than they really need. And it's just geting worse. My ultimate refuge here is just to run a local Unix (BSD, Linux, or Termux), mostly terminal programs, and a bit of X11 when I have a need for graphics. I'd like to eventually have an actual Konilo system, but that's realistically probably at least a year out. Enough ranting for today. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.14 It's finally Friday; I'm looking forward to giving my hands a break. Today is also Mounjaro day, so I took a dose this morning (upper left arm). By 8AM I started feeling some effects that I attribute to it. I began a new Swift Playgrounds project to experiment with the terminal & graphica under iPadOS. It's not a high priority at the moment, but hopefully will be helpful later. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.13 With a longer work days this week my hands have been painful by the end of the day, which has delayed my progress on projects. I now expect to have the initial (graphica) blocks & ilo device complete next week instead of this week. In other news, I have been thinking through how to implement a more proper terminal emulator on the iPad and will probably be doing experiments with this once I finish the (graphica) stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.12 On mornings after I get a decent night of sleep (and don't feel stressed when I get up), the morning glucose spike is much less. E.g., this morning I rose from 106 to 119. Contrast with yester- day, where it rose to nearly 150 from 101. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.11 It's been a busy day, and my hands hurt, so I'm not able to do much programming this evening. I started writing some more detailed notes on the new (graphica) work. And did more testing of the level 0 parts. I think I'll be able to compete this tomorrow, then I can start the level 1 bits before moving on to supporting a color display. (If Arland is reading this, I also have a packaged qemu and OpenBSD w/X11 ready; I just need to pickup a flash drive for it) Stopping for now, with a little luck I'll have more interesting things to share soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.10 I have been working today on getting a (graphica) vocabulary working. It's tied in as i/o device #12, and parts are working now. If tomorrow isn't too busy I might be able to get the level 0 functionality done. Tomorrow I'll also start adding in some documentation for this. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.09 I was able to refill my insulin lispro today, so I won't run out tomorrow. Cost under the new IBX insurance is $70 instead of $50 so I might need to look for options to reduce this. (I'm hoping the Mounjaro cost isn't significantly higher, but I won't know on this for another week or two). Work on the new (final) Graphica implementation has begun. With a litte luck the basic system will be complete this week, and an expanded version by the end of the month. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.08 I've managed to setup X11 on my Android tablet, and it runs at an acceptable speed. I'm only using 1/2 resolution (1000x600) for readability reasons. I have mult/ilo+x working, so am now set to start work on the proper (graphica) support. I'm going to attempt a minimal system over the next several days, then start the level 1 expansion, adding in VM support for faster drawing. In other programming, I dusted off my prior work on tracking changes to the blocks, and am resuming this. For now it's all in RetroForth & shell scripts; Arland might be able to help with a Python implementation once I'm done. Enough for now. I'm going to spend the evening playing with X11 and reading. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.07 It's Friday. I took my weekly Mounjaro, and as expected, my glucose levels have started stabilizing again. Now to just get a refill on the insulin (have to wait until Sunday)... I sent my (graphica) notes to Arland. Tomorrow I'll set up X11 on the Android tablet and see if I can't get everything in place to do the dev work on it. (The forth.works server struggles when running X, making it a little harder to work than I'd like. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.06 As Summer looms, it's already becoming quite hot. My house is not comfortable to be in, and the only air conditioner is not able to keep up. I wrote a few notes on (graphica). I'll send these to Arland to review and hopefully get to work on fleshing out level 0 & 1 for several color depths in the very near future. We will have some media related to this work as it progresses. Stopping for now due to the heat. Hopefully it's a little cooler tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.05 It's amazing how stress can just raise blood glucose levels. In today's case, I went back into the office. Once we opened my glucose rose to around 140 and has averaged 130 overall. Not a nice way for the day to go. I've done a little work on (ripanga) today, just cleaning up a bit in preparation to complete the merge into the default set of blocks. Hoping to be done this tomorrow. After this, I need to spend some time with graphics stuff, to flesh out my subset of (graphica) and get it all documented with some examples. And I need to record some video of it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.04 Happy Birthday to me. I'm now 41 years old. Multiple doctor visits today. I had a consulation with a sleep specialist this morning, and have a sleep study scheduled for next Tuesday night. My last one was in 2008, so it's time to see if my sleep apnea has become worse and if I need to start using a CPAP again. I had a followup with my dietician. She's mostly happy with the dietary changes (though I need to increase the variety in my vegetables), and with my weight loss (about 18 pounds over the last three weeks). I didn't get to do any programming due to the doctor visits. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.03 Today was a relaxing day. It was hot, so I didn't do much, but I was able to get some much needed rest. Did a little remote work, but mostly forwarded on the few things I received today. I spent some time reading through my new s:readline word in Retro, and am considering some memory related bits that I need to resolve before I can finish it. It was too hot to do much on the Mac (which is in the living room). 90F in the living room today. Maybe tomorrow will be a little better? ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.02 Sunday. Tammie woke me up last night due to an allergic reaction to a nearby skunk spray, so I was tired in the morning. The afternoon was restful though, so I'm feeling better now. Glucose control was good today. I'm averaging 112 now, but want to see this reduce a little further (as long as it doesn't go low). It'll be interesting to discuss how things are going with the dietary changes with my dietician on Tuesday. Tomorrow is the first of two days I took off work. I'll be doing some work stuff (at least watching emails a bit), but will try to keep this to a minimum. I'm hoping to work on several iOS projects (RetroForth, Paipera, and Convey) if my hands allow it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.06.01 It was a quiet day for me. Tammie did laundry, I ordered some groceries, and generally just took it easy. Lots of listening to music. I've done a bit of reading on SSH tunnels & VPN setup, and hope to start work on getting the home server setup this month. I'd love to move the major hosting stuff to my own machines, letting me save money and have even more resources to work with. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.31 It's been a busy day at work. Jenni brought me a candle, some sticky buns, and a balloon; and Dustin treated me to lunch. Very nice of both of them (early birthday celebration, since I'm out on my birthday next week). Going off my diet is kind of bad, and today is an example of why: my glucose ended up being higher than normal (though still in range) and more variable than typical lately. Still having hand pain, so am not going to do much programming this weekend, but I'm hoping to resume on Monday. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.30 May is almost over. I have a long weekend (with a caveat of two doctor appointments) coming up, which I look forward to. It's been a few weeks since I was last at the chiropractor; I'm going back tonight as I'm starting to feel tightness returning in my lower back. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.29 I've been going to bed earlier, but am still waking up around three to four hours later. This is annoying, but on the whole I have been able to get back to sleep most of the time, and feel refreshed in the morning. There's some interest in video demos of RetroForth / Konilo with graphics. I'll be working on this sometime in the near future. It might be a good time to shift from (crc:drawing) into the new (graphica) vocabulary. (My initial (graphica) isn't as advanced as what we'll have in Arks, but will be the core subset of it). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.28 I decided to start writing the proper manual for Konilo. This is a process that will take considerable time. Hopefully it'll be worthwhile. My glucose was around 130 most of the day, but dipped to about 90 for the evening. Hopefully it stays towards the lower end in the morning. I've dabbled a bit with an ilo build that has the image & all blocks in RAM. I'm going to do some further development of this soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.27 My only actual rest day this weekend. I woke up at normal time, but spent my day not working or out of the house, except for a brief run to the pharmacy. Alex & I played 2024 for a while; Arland & Ben were at the local parade. Glen just rested upstairs most of the day. On the whole it was pleasant. I cut my hair short again, and trimmed my beard. It's getting hot to leave it longer. For forth.chat: I'll be providing automatically generated full logs a a .tar.gz, .zip, and maybe via git soon. There's enough interest in this to make it worth automating. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.26 Another unproductive day. My hands are still hurting, so once more I didn't do any actual programming. I have a backlog of things to finish with Convey, hopefully in the very near future. I'm about 2 weeks (?) behind schedule, but it'll now probably be mid-June before I have everything ready. Arland has written a new pastebin. Once I figure out jails on the FreeBSD box we'll try to deploy it, probably on a subdomain off arland.xyz ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.25 Today was a parade in my old hometown. This was shorter than in years past (only about 30 minutes). Afterwards we hung out at my mother's house until early evening. I felt moderately queasy all day, probably due to the mounjaro yesterday. I did not do any programming. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.24 The effects of Mounjaro are pretty amazing. I took my next dose early (due to issues w/the previous one), and as with the first time saw improvements begin within a couple of hours. At least for now, my glucose levels seem to be more steady again. I did a bunch of setup work on new repositories relating to ilo and Konilo. I'm thinking I'll push people towards these in the future instead of pushing Fossil. (The main repository I use will probably continue to be the Fossil one, but this may be changed in the future). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.23 I noticed that bsd.cafe has added git hosting, so I started some ilo & konilo related repos there. Also a mirror of retroforth's repo. Thanks to @stefano@bsd.cafe for adding this! My glucose control has defintely been off over the last week. I will take the Mounjaro tomorrow instead of Saturday in hopes that I can get back on track. I had a diabetic eye exam for the first time today. This was not comfortable. The pressure test was very unpleasant, and after dilation it took nearly four hours for my vision to return to a mostly normal state. The good news is that my eyes are still in a healthy state, with new problems (mostly an issue focusing on nearby items) being just age related. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.22 I'm tired today, and didn't sleep well last night. The entry code for (ripanga) is partially working. There's a row alignment issue I need to resolve, and I need to add some logic to constrain entry to the visible cells. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.21 My glucose control feels a little off this week. And the hunger supression aspect of the Mounjaro isn't working as well as over most of the last four weeks. In (ripanga), the cell highlighting/blanking code is now working and I've started the actual data entry words. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.20 Morning glucose rose more than expected, which was not fun. It was still in range, but I'd prefer it to stay lower. Might be due to stress? Arland is making progress on his integer/fixed/floating point stuff. He's working on a gamma function now. For me, I've done a tiny bit on the cell editing in (ripanga). It needs a bit more work, but I might be able to finish in the next couple of days. Over in the fediverse, djsundog mused about a wasm version of one of my little vm models. This may be something to explore in the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.19 Sunday. A day for rest. I've been feeling a little sick, so just rested today. Tomorrow might be a return to writing. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.18 Today started the 5.0 Mounjaro. Side effects are tolerable so far, but I expect tomorrow to be a bit worse, based on the 2.5 dosage. I did a little work on the entry code for (ripanga), but did not finish this. I'll probably need a couple more days on it. The new string entry w/editing is proving tricky. I'm going to take a few days to rethink my approach, and will resume sometime in the next week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.17 It's Friday, and, as with the last three weeks, the appetite suppression of the Mounjaro has decreased quite a bit. I wonder how different the 5.0 will be. The forth.works server had an issue with clog.retro causing high CPU usage. This was fixed, and an updated shell script to start it is now running. This will restart the process occasionally, and uses renice(1) to lower its priority. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.16 First day with the new dietary guidelines. It's odd to eat four times, and incorporating some fruit makes me a bit uncomfortable due to past glucose spikes relating to it, but it was pretty stable overall. After work I took Alex to an eye exam. He has 20/20 in the right eye, but 20/60 in the left. Insurance covered it, along with the glasses, so he'll receive a pair sometime next week. I'll also order him a backup pair in a few weeks. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.15 I had a meeting with a dietician yesterday. I'll be following her recommendations for now to see if they can help improve my glucose control & overall health further. More big changes to kaute: it now tracks the size as part of the data structure, and I've added preliminary support for actions. The ripanga code is not fully updated to use the changes, but I should be done with that tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.14 I'm starting to consider possible use of colour in catalogue. It might be interesting for making the interface more useful. For ripanga, I've rewritten it to make proper use of the cell fetching words, so type data is now factored into the display. I still have a bug in the string display code breaking alignment, but this should be resolved soon. I might have to stop for a bit, as I'm starting to have pain in my hands once again... ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.13 I decided to split ripanga into two parts. (kaute) now has the basic vocabulary for creating & working with the data (headless) and ripanga is an interface to a fixed size kaute sheet. This frees me to allow larger (or smaller) sheets for things that may need different sized data sets, but I can build an interface for my typical small daily sheets fairly quickly. In doing this, I also made the `compile:call` and `compile:jump` create more efficient code, so it'll be worth updating to the latest nightly snapshot. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.12 Another rest day. I've done some more experiments with stty, and have written another ilo-in-c adaption that works better under it, though I'm still not quite happy with it. I'll do more tests to see if I can make this better for what I want. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.11 I didn't do any programming today. I just took time to rest in the morning, then did a bit of cleanup in the afternoon. I'm behind on my Convey work. With a little luck I may be able to get caught up in the coming week. I have another project to start on soon: setting up a home server and using a VPN to expose it to the internet. (This would possibly let me move away from using the larger Linode instance to save money each month). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.10 I started the Termina interface to ripanga today. (I do still need to complete the actions code for updating the sheet, but it's far enough along that I'm ready to get an actual interface going now). Glucose is running a little higher than I'd like today, but is still in the upper part of my target range. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.09 I added the rest of the cell access words to ripanga, and fixed a couple of bugs in the memory allocation. Now to decide on the approach to handling update actions. Work was stressful today. But thankfully a little shorter than normal due to another doctor appointment. This time a check of my feet. No problems found, thankfully. In the evening, I had an unexpected rise in my blood glucose. It could be related to the sausages at dinner (they had some sugar & apples in them), but the spike began about two hours after the meal. Maybe delayed digestion due to the Mounjaro? Time to wind down for bed. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.08 Termux isn't quite as nice as having a real Unix (I prefer BSD), but it's much better than iSH on the iPad. I can at least work effectively under it. I spent a little time revisiting ripanga. It's now simpler, and operates on a small (15x5) grid of values. I've finished the creation, data accessor, and minimal display code. I still need to add the actions support (for formulas and such), but this will be easier than in the previous iteration. It will also be possible to write a Termina interface to this now. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.07 I've used an iPad as my mobile computer of choice since 2011. It has served me well (largely via SSH & VNC), but as I try to move to an offline-first working environment I grow frustrated with the inability to run a local console environment. (I'm aware of things like iSH & a-shell, but these are insufficient & buggy). So I have now begun using an Android tablet (S6 Lite 2024) with Termux. This gets me much closer to what I'd really like (ideal would be a system with OpenBSD, NetBSD, or FreeBSD [or at least a Linux] and native X11, but this does not currently exist as a product). (My long term goal is still to have a dedicated Konilo computer, but that's still some ways off). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.06 My glucose is still running a little higher than I'd like; not sure why. I know my hydration levels are less than typical, so I'm rehydrating today, and hoping that helps. (Still basically in range, but hovering at 175-180 this morning). Maybe stress related? Working on `s:readline`; I fixed an issue where the constants for the arrow keys were conflicting with some of the UTF32 key values. An upcoming Konilo project: a memory allocator. It's not some- thing I need at present, but will have some utility for the larger systems (e.g., napia & arks) where we have more RAM to play with. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.05 Health: morning glucose still a little high, but stable overall. I showed the new ti:prompt stuff to Arland. He doesn't like the default colors. (They can be overridden by updating a few vars). Only did a little coding today. I decided to rest instead, and will try to finish my current Convey task tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.04 I was able to sleep in a little today. This is nice, but not good for my glucose. I'll try to be up earlier next Saturday. We did our grocery shopping, set appointments for eye exams for Tammie & the kids, and did a little housework. Not a bad day. I didn't get to work on Convey today, but will try to do so after church tomorrow. I'm a little behind on the backend code, but might still be able to get it functional enough to let me work on the login view code. I started sketching some ideas for ripanga as I'd like to get this into a usable state. Maybe I'll write about this soon? ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.03 Today's development projects were working on the new string ent- ry word in Retro, documentation updates in Konilo (mainly around REM), and some small improvements to the manual browser. I've noticed that my desire to eat grows a little on Thursday and seems to be mostly back on Friday. I'm supposing that's the Mounjaro effectiveness dropping a bit on days 6 & 7. My glucose numbers are remaining stable and in range though. Progress on the new string entry word is slow. I expected this, but I am hoping to get it at least partially functional soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.02 I finished the first take on `ti:prompt` today. This gives me a "pop up" prompt that reads in a string, presenting the UI along with a short description of what is being read. I've tied this into catalogue, tuhi, rem, and manual. The native x86 ilo has some fixes to colors with (termina) and vga text mode. This gets the colors correct, but I still seem to have an issue with backgrounds in some cases. Healthwise: my endo thinks I'm doing well at this point. I'm to continue the current meds for the next six weeks, at which point we'll reevaluate and decide if any adjustments are needed. For myself, I'm happy: my glucose numbers are now nearly 90% in the target range, and variablity is down substantially. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.01 My medical debts are growing; I'm going to have to stop seeing doctors until I can get somewhat caught up. Also, it looks like my employer is switching insurance companies in June, so I'm not sure how that will impact me yet. I've started on a variation of `s:get` with support for some limited editing support. This should have a movable cursor, and allow insertion or deletion within the string being read. I have no idea how long this will take to get into a usable state. My work on Convey is progressing as well, but more slowly than I had hoped. I'll probably have more to say on this later this week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.30 I worry a little that I won't be able to fill the next Mounjaro prescription due to the national shortages. On social networks: I use Mastodon, but ActivityPub seems big & complex. I'm toying with just doing something small, using RSS. A small interface for writing short posts, and a subscribe to personal RSS feeds. Maybe using Gemini Text or Markdown instead of HTML? For WISP, I have added an RSS generation (using Python). This is now available at http://charles.childe.rs/wisp.xml konilo.sh now has proper support for NetBSD & FreeBSD. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.29 Didn't get to sleep until late, but didn't have to get up until 05:00. Feeling good this morning, other than a small bit of back pain. Lunch today was risky; I had six boneless wings & used 15U of Lispro. This worked: net rise of only eight points, and back to mid 140's in two hours. Not going to risk too many carbs, but I may be able to tolerate some now. I've done a bit of work on the new listener, and started porting the TOB code to Konilo. (It might be nice to offer a similar, but slightly simpler, interface on this). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.28 Today is my first day using this new Konilo script to manage my local install. Let's see how it works in practice. (I have a few things left to do; mainly in getting it working w/milo+x11). Health: glucose has been good today. I've achieved some sleep, so feel decent overall. Hoping it keeps going this way. Programming today was a little work on reformatting some of the (termina) and (catalogue) blocks. I've also done a little server configuration, in preparation for this week's Convey coding. Time to wrap this up for today; tomorrow starts a busy week with two doctor, one dentist visit, work at $dayjob, Convey, and more development on the new Listener for Retro. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.27 My morning numbers were higher than I want, and stayed up until around noon. Tomorrow I'll have a breakfast and see if eating & a dose of Humalog brings it down earlier. (Initial guess: I may need more basal?) Considering some things with regards to my personal computing setup. I currently work with an iPad Pro 11" and an S22 Ultra. This is ok, but I miss my iPad mini (now in Arland's hands) for using when out of the house. I find the phone a little too small for comfortable use in Termux without a physical keyboard. So I am considering: invest in a new small tablet (Samsung Tab Active 5, for the more rugged design & replacable batteries), or maybe order an MNT Reform Pocket?. I could also look at replacing the S22 with a folding phone, but I have some durability concerns. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.26 I'm slightly tired this morning. And glucose is up (from ~150 to ~200), having started rising at about 03:30. I'm eating a light breakfast, and hoping it'll drop back down over the next couple of hours. Work was ok. Dustin & I had lunch, discussed Convey a bit, and a little on future life changes. Also some on an asset tracking thing. I'll discuss this with Arland a bit. The updated Konilo is out now. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.25 I'm working on the Konilo packaging today. Let's see if I can get this completed. Evening: - the konilo packaging is basically done. I'll finish the docs tomorrow - second endo visit went well. Changing insulin to Lispro for meals & Tresiba for basal. - initial dose of Monjauro is wearing off? I feel slightly hungry, and found myself thinking about food a bit Tried to go to bed early, but Tammie stayed up late reading, so this didn't work out well. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.24 Last night was not good for sleep. I started off ok, but woke up at 3:30 and couldn't get back into sleep, so I'm tired :( Work was busy, but not as bad as expected given that we still had several people out. Hoping the next couple of days go as well. I didn't get to work on the Konilo packaging today. Hopefully tomorrow will let me have some time to get the scripts to build the release tree finished. Starting to prepare for sleep (early again). Hoping I'll be able to get a few solid hours tonight. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.23 Last night was restful. I feel ok for starting off, but expect I will still end up tired in a few hours. Since starting the Mounjaro, my morning glucose spikes have not been as severe. Hopefully with the U500 (finally being filled!) I'll get even more control. Hunger is down, and side effects are minor so far. I've committed a patch to milo/x which tweaks the screen redraw code. This improves the overall performance a bit. Other than this: I made a bunch of small improvements to the konilo.sh and started preparations for 2024.4 release of Konilo. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.22 Sleep was subpar, and we're going to be shorthanded at work once again. Ugh. Good news so far: my morning glucose is only at 238, and hasn't had a major spike yet, so I'm hoping it'll be able to drop a bit over the next few hours. It's evening now (about 20:00), and I'm starting to prepare for sleep. Dustin & I had lunch at On The Border (I skipped on the tortillas, but did eat the chicken & onions, and a few chips & salsa). No big spike from this. The spike from dinner was higher even though dinner had less carbs. A good news: the pharmacy finally got the script for the U500, so I can pick that up tomorrow. And now off to bed. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.21 Trying to avoid anything stressful to help manage glucose. It's been a decent weekend, though my numbers are still high. Not yet certain, but some slight effects may be appearing from the shot of Mounjaro. I've done a bit of Swift coding, on Paipera. I'll need to bring it into Xcode to finish (I don't know how to do fonts and such inside Swift Playgrounds), but I think the rewrite will be done in early May. For right now I'm not quite feeling well, so am going to bed early in hopes of being well rested for tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.20 The pharmacy was able to fill the Mounjaro, so I've started on it. I'm hoping it helps. I decided to have a very light lunch (avocado & an egg), and to leave anything heavier to dinner. My glucose has still been elevated today, I'm starting to use more of the R to compensate as I wait for the U-500 to be dealt with. No programming today. I probably will do something tomorrow. There are several unfinished projects in the blocks, so maybe I can get a bit further on one of them. (One coding thing: there's an oddity with ABE's text insertion on characters other than the first in a line. I need to look at this to figure out the reason for the misplacement). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.19 I'm feeling modestly rested this morning. My glucose is up, but that's due in part to being told to stop taking the R insulin. I haven't received the script for the U500 yet though, so will be calling my doctor sometime today. I'll take some R to try to get back below 250. Annoyance: I called their office during lunch, but had to leave a voicemail. Now several hours later, the office is closed until Monday, and nothing changed at the pharmacy. I have enough R to get through the weekend, but would have preferred to start the new stuff on the days I'm off work. A bit of good news: the preauth for the Mounjaro was approved, so I might get that tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.18 Sleep was, while not as long as I'd have liked, pretty good. I will try to go to bed early again today. I'm still trying to work out the remaining bugs in ABE. There is an issue with text entry that's not at the start of the line. Busy day for health stuff. Finally was able to see an Endo for my diabetes. She wants me to make a lot of changes to my meds, so I'm waiting for scripts to be filled. (I may have to call her office tomorrow regarding one of them). Also had a dental visit, with teeth being cleaned & four cavities being filled. First visit in ~ 30 years. Going to bed early again I think. Goodnight! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.17 I've switched one of my keyboards (a Logi K380) to a newer one (a Logi K380S). It feels basically the same, but has one change that's proving annoying: the Fn and CTRL keys have been swapped, which breaks a bunch of finger memory. Work was busy. And a bit stressful. But the evening has been nice. I went to the chiropractor. I'll need a few more sessions I think. For the evening, I've done a bit of writing and testing some adjustments to milo/x. I might be able to get the screen draws working more quickly soon. Going to bed earlier than normal. Goodnight. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.16 Last night's glucose spike started earlier and wasn't quite as high, so I was able to get some sleep during the night. Saw a CVE on PuTTY. I'm now attempting to use SSH under the Windows Terminal instead (on my work machine). I'll try this for a few days to see if it works ok. I was able to finish updating the Konilo image & blocks for Napia. It's now in sync with the main Konilo system, and I'll soon have an automated patching script. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.15 I thought Saturday night's glucose spike was bad. Well last night was worse: it jumped to over 400, and stayed up there for several hours. Getting it back to a safe level required 143 units of insulin and six hours. So I'm exhausted from being up dealing with this. I wrote a document that explains Termina in more detail. It may be helpful for those seeking to make use of it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.14 High glucose last night. But ok during the morning. Arland finished the Konilo parser/structure printer. I've run it against some of the blocks, and it looks good. (There will be a patreon post on this sometime soon). ##forth has been more active than normal, with actual Forth discussion. I'm happy to see this. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.13 We had Ben's birthday party today. It was a quiet gathering of just our family and my Mom & Dad. I think it was a pretty nice time, though both Dad & I ended up sleeping a bit during it. I discussed the idea for the parser/structure printer wih Arland and he has a mostly functional implementation written. With a few display fixes it should be good. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.12 The sleep project went well. I was able to get some sleep from 17:00 - 19:30, and then spent a couple hours reading before going back to bed at 00:15. Sleep from there went well, with a few short awakenings before getting up at 04:45 this morning. It was busy at work again. I've done some X11 programming this evening. I'm trying to make ilo/x & mult/ilo/x have faster redraws of the display and better latency on input. Arland did some work on a syntax parser for Konilo. I'll be looking at this soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.11 Had an issue with the air conditioner last night, so it was hot. I've managed to fix it this morning, but it'll be another day in which I'll be exhausted. It was a busy day at work. We had half of our people making del- iveries, and a "lunch & learn" with a vendor as well. This left us shorthanded all day. I'm going to bed early tonight in hopes of some sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.10 I got a bit of sleep last night. Not enough, but I'm a little better this morning than the last couple. Plus my blood sugar was at 144 when I got up, so starting below 200 is nice. For Konilo, I rearranged some of the system blocks a little. Dentist appointment. Initial examination was done, I go back in a week for a cleaning and repair of four cavities. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.09 I'm very sleepy today. The last several days have not been good for blood sugar levels. Maybe I'm a bit sick or stressed more than normal? No programming today. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.08 Starting another week. This afternoon is a solar eclipse, which may be interesting to see. Otherwise, it should be a normal day. I've worked on the manual a bit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.07 On Android, I have begun using Unexpected Keyboard, which is pretty nice when paired with Termux. I'm still getting used to some of the layout, but it works well in landscape, letting me run Konilo in a large enough size to be readable. I'll still prefer a physical keyboard, but this is enough to let me do at least a little writing with just the phone. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.06 I've written an ilo in Retro, It's slow (taking over 3 minutes to load (std) on my phone). I'll put in some effort to try to improve this. On my Android phone I started testing non-Samsung software keyboards. So far, nothing seems good in landscape. gboard is decent in portrait, flesky feels buggy and has some weird flashing when I hit shift. I used to use a Thumb Keyboard and a Hacker's keyboard, but both aren't working well for me. I kind of would like something like the Pinephone keyboard that would work with this S22 Ultra. It'd make using termux much nicer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.05 Too tired to do any significant programming. I fixed more bugs in Retro's GNUmakefile and set up a local environment for doing a heavily commented ilo-unix (using unu). This will take a few days to go through and add commentary to, but it'll hopefully be helpful. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.04 I fixed some issues in the GNUmakefile for Retro. For Konilo, some size optimizations in the (std) blocks. I've shaved 14 cells. (I'm hoping to get the overall size back down to under 9k cells) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.03 I've made a change to the shell script that publishes the WISP export. It'll now update my entry on plan.cat with the latest block. The konilo.sh has been rewritten again. It's under 100 lines now (and still shrinking a bit). I'm getting happier with it, so it might be time to start publishing it again. First doctor visit in several years. I have a bunch of tests scheduled, and then need to schedule visits with a number of specialists. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.02 I probably should have taken today off; I really didn't get much (any?) sleep last night, so as of 0549 I'm very, very tired. I built a current Python on the ancient server we are using for convey. In a few small tests it seems to be working, so now I am going to look at installing it alongside the existing copy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.04.01 Last full vacation day. We had french toast for breakfast, then drove home. Alex got sick & vomited during the drive, so we had to stop to clean that up. I dealt with a few work issues during the drive, as well as a banking issue. We arrived at home about 1700. Dinner was a few pepperoni & cheese sandwiches. I did a bit of work on redoing the konilo.sh script; it's mostly working on OpenBSD. I'll need to do some testing on other hosts, but I like this one better. Not really looking forward to returning to work tomorrow, but I suspect if I don't go in, I'll still be working remotely again. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.31 With gzexe(1) it looks like the konilo-$ARCH-$HOST single file thing will be doable. I have binaries for aarch64-linux, amd64-openbsd, and amd64-freebsd now. With a prompt from Arland, I added `a:new` which takes a length and a name, and creates a new array. ---- Vacation Notes Breakfast was a nice potato & egg bake w/bacon and green onion. Had another bad glucose spike, but got it under control after a few hours. We visited w/Tammie's family for most of the day. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.30 So the ilo w/embedded rom & default blocks was easier to put together than anticipated, so I have a working test under my termux system. It's about 335k when compressed with upx. Not terrible. I'll need to look at storing the blocks in compressed form for other OSes w/o upx though. Big glucose spikes with breakfast & dinner. Ugh. Hoping to get it back down during the night. For now (23:31) it's still over 370 though. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.29 Breakfast was quiche w/tomato & green onion, sausage, coffee cakes, and a backed apple dish. (I skipped the coffee cake, and only at a little of the baked apple). After lunch, some programming. I brought in the `quad` words from Retro as a loadable block, did some chatting in ##forth, and a little work on the convey backend. Tonight (probably) I will configure one or more of the domains we have to start the actual testing parts. After a discussion with Arland, I have begun an ilo branch with an embedded copy of the rom and initial blocks. This is very much experimental at this point, but might be useful in the future... ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.28 Vacation, day 1. Sleep was ok. Most of the day was spent on the drive up to the B&B we are staying at. Things at my employer were apparently hectic. I spent a lot of the drive reading & replying to emails and texts to help resolve problems. Dinner (the only meal today) was pizza. Not bad, but also not good for my glucose. Arland bought me a black & white mocha. It was good, but overly sweet. I might try a cappucino or americano next time. I've done a little work on the convey backend code. Going to try to resolve the login issues during the vacation, and maybe start on the data update code. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.27 It was a a bad night for sleep, but vacation starts tomorrow. I am looking forward to the break. abe still has a few little issues to look into, and needs more testing, but it's functional. I'll move it to the public blocks this weekend, after I get to do a little documentation on it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.26 Some good sleep last evening, though the during-the-night part was interrupted by a glucose crash. Still feel ok overall today. abe (the arks block editor) is now in my blocks, so it's much more comfortable to work on. I've been able to resolve the bug in the partial line entry. The windowed view is also working, so it's now functional enough to use. I'll need to write a fallback mode for editing normal blocks. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.25 Another QOL change: tuhi & rem now display the current block number in their title tags. Sleep last night was not as good as Saturday night, but was better than most days last week. I'm hoping the upcoming time off work helps me reset more. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.24 I was able to get some solid sleep today, so am feeling better thank normal. Programming stuff: a new Konilo/iOS is waiting for review from Apple. I moved (rem) into the system blocks area and merged it. The `s:get/token` was causing a crash if I attempted to back- space past the start of the token. This is now corrected. A similar bug was found and fixed in `s:get/line`. The updated Konilo/iOS fixes a bug in the DEC escape sequence filter code. This resolves a crash. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.23 I merged in the work-in-progress REM rewrite. It's functional, though I still need to add a few small things like "leap" to it. Today has been a day for rest. I was able to sleep/rest in, and spent some time catching up on reading, doing a bit of chat in ##forth, and a little time tweaking my X11 configuration. I want to write a small X program to let me quickly (re)launch ilo, and maybe a couple of other programs. I might start on this before bedtime today. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.22 Almost four hours of sleep last night, was quite nice. The REM rewrite is progressing nicely. I'm doing a keyboard layout that will work with both qwerty & dvorak, and making use of color as part of the editing process. It'll be pretty nice when done. Arland noticed a bug in my modification to `p`, which I have corrected. Nearly midnight, so I'll stop for now. I have planned out the remaining keymap for the updated REM, so should be able to have it done tomorrow or Sunday. Then I'll need to document it in the manual. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.21 Back to work on the hypertext manual; I'm expanding the sections on the basic editor and termina currently. It's nearly at a 1/4 of the reserved space (248 of 1024). I extended (termina) to add support for displaying a title as part of the hints area. I was not sure if I would actually like this, but it ends up being a very helpful touch. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.20 Not enough sleep once again, but seeing some improvements to my blood sugar (hopefully this stays consistent...) in the morning. I've finished the first part of the updated glossary. All words are now described and the blocks are updated. Still error checks to do, and adding more examples, but this is a solid jump. An annoyance at work: Windows 10 is pretty useless. I'm at a point where trying to open a spreadsheet causes the file manager to hang until I kill the process. Opening via the File>Open dialog works fine though. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.19 Still tired, but was able to sleep a bit last night, so today was better. I continued on my work to expand the glossary, ending with about 120 words remaining. So there's been a lot of progress on this over the last few days. I'm hoping to wrap up this tomorrow or Thursday. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.18 No sleep last night... I'm now a week and half away from a short vacation. I hope it's restful; the lack of sleep lately is becoming a problem. I have added blank pages for all the words in the glossary and begun filling in the details. My pre-lunch work ended with 83 complete. There's still a lot to go to finish the 432 words. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.17 Moderate sleep. I was up until around 4, but was able to get a little sleep on and off between then and 9. Blood glucose was on the high side all day. My dinner was just chicken, cheese, and a bit of enchilada sauce. This spiked my glucose by about 110 points, but I was able to get it back down to around 140 by midnight. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.16 I didn't plan to do any programming, but I did add a small thing to the manual browser last night. [ and ] are now bound to prev and next, so I can quickly flip through the manual blocks (a very helpful bit for things like the *WordsByName pages). I seem to be getting sick again. Hoping it stays mild and clears up soon. For a non-programming thing: I've started looking at the option of moving to a recumbent pedicycle (probably a trike). I miss cycling, and with ongoing back and hand issues, this might make it possible again. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.15 Lots of work on the manual today. Only a small part is visible at present (adding in the Teensy related bits), but I have made solid progress towards updating the glossary. All told there are now links to every (non-internal) word, though there's no docs yet for the ~180 or so from the blocks. When I code next (maybe Monday?) I'll be working on getting the stub pages for all the words in place, and trying to get the pages filled in over the next couple of weeks. Since I'm starting to have some hand issues, I've pushed off the week-in-review for a couple of days; it'll probably be done on Sunday. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.14 The watchlist code is functional and has been committed. So I'm a little closer to having takawiri ready to actually use. Next up is the string pool preview... I dropped the number of sessions in my personal m/ilo to 3. This more closely matches my actual usage as I seldom need more than three sessions at a time. Only a few days left until the first anniversary of this little log. It's been fun so far. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.13 I posted a couple more documents to konilo.org/articles. Over the next few weeks several more are coming. The manual is now at 197 pages. I've added some material on the variants of ilo (ilo/x86, mult/ilo). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.12 Another sleepless night... ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.11 I didn't mention this yesterday, but I added a (short) vocab. This provides (simulated) 16-bit integer math, which may be of use for some host hardware interfacing or in implementing some compatibility things. Getting back into my attempts to find a way to diff the blocks, I started a new C implementation of a block diff tool. It's now able to id the differing blocks. The next step, I think, will be writing the altered blocks to disk. Then a review tool. More work on the manual; adding 14 new blocks and editing some existing ones. It'll pass 200 blocks in another day or two. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.10 Daylight savings threw off my sleep schedule a bit. And I had a rough night with my glucose (rose 170 points after dinner, even after I had factored in insulin to cover everthing I ate). Sigh. The ESP32 ilo port is being worked on. I'm still using the Arduino IDE (for now), and have started trying to get the SD card and serial functional. I'll leave the VGA part for a bit later. The ESP32 compilation is *much* slower than the Teensy4 which is quite annoying. I found that Sharp has a ~4" memory LCD at 320x240. I might see if I can order one or two; this, a PS/2 (or other) keyboard, and the Teensy4 would make a nice little Konilo machine. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.09 My blood sugar was running high all day again. I have a few ideas as to why it seems worse on the weekends, but need to try to gather a bit more data. I've revived my old formula-based art thing. It's now rewritten and working better, with the "x" graphics block. (I need to give that an actual name soon). Groceries are done, I picked up more insulin & needles, and ordered more Libre 3 sensors. That's enough for today. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.08 More internal expansions and cleanups to the Konilo hypertext manual today. I've added a few new pages to cover various points that I felt needed some discussion. I have added the stack guards and some extra optimizations into a m/ilo vm. This is somewhat opposite of my preferred direction (reducing host dependencies), but is much less likely to crash so the tradeoff may be worthwhile overall. I'm not sure if I'll merge this, or if I'll just post it as an extra for patrons. I also put together an ilo.c with the termios stuff from m/ilo; this might be worth merging after I get more testing done. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.07 For today, I worked on improving some pages in the manual, and then turned some attention to Arland's blocktools.py. I have done some tests and am starting to add additional comments as I work through it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.06 I finished a short article on doing external interfacing to a Konilo system. I've been able to control a system using a pair of fifo's, which is pretty neat. Soon I'll have a demo of this. No work on the manual today. My hands hurt a bit, so I'll stop for now, and resume tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.05 The weather has shifted; it's now warmer and rainy. I'm still hoping for one decent snowstorm, but it doesn't seem likely at this point. A number of years ago I started an implementation of an old game, Hammurabi, in RetroForth. This was never completed, but I found my old sources and decided to move it into Konilo. The existing code has been brought into the blocks, and updated, so I'll be working occasionally on it until it's done. The Hackernews thread on Konilo has brought up some areas of lacking documentation that I'm going to try to address as my general writing continues. Enough for now though, I'm off to bed. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.04 I had trouble sleeping again. Not quite unexpected - it's been warmer than I like, and today will be a little stressful at work (we have a new person starting, and I get to train them). While I want to try to get the new listener finished, I can't quite get my head into the right state, so I'm just continuing to write in the konilo manual. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.03 Tammie didn't feel well today. I took another rest day, just reading all day. Arland sent me the latest things he's been working on, so I'll have a few new words to add to Konilo blocks tomorrow. I did check the Konilo entry on hackernews and reply to a few more comments. Matthew Keeter has sent me an update ilo.rs implementation. It looks like a solid set of improvements, so I'm looking forward to testing & merging it in the next day or so. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.02 Saturday is a rest day. It rained (which wasn't in the forecast), and was a bit windy. This prevented us from doing the BBQ we had planned for lunch, though Arland did roast the meat in the oven instead. I made a peanut butter & soy ramen for dinner. This turned out pretty good, but I'll tweak the amount of peanut butter next time. Konilo hit hackernews today. The server handled the load ok, which was good. I replied to a few comments. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.03.01 Arland started working on a (math) vocabulary last night. This will eventually cover a lot of useful functionality that's not in the base system. I fixed backspace handling in mult/ilo (terminal). Much, much nicer to work with now. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.29 Leap day. No sleep (or near enough to it). I'm very tired today. I finally deleted the old ansuli server today, leaving just one VPS (arneson) on Linode. For now I'm leaving that alone, but am going to start evaluating options. Glossary lookups in the manual are working, and I have made a variety of improvements to help with performance. This is merged into the main repository. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.28 Spent my time working on the manual expansions. Its now live on konilo.org and has 95 pages (plus approx 250 for the initial glossary). I'll probably be around 110-120 pages by the end of the night. The growth after this will be slower, but should be steady as it's more organic than the rigid manual structure I was trying to do before. A little more programming is needed; I still haven't written the + handler yet or finished the HTML generation for that. Even so I like it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.27 I continued work on the new manual/wiki. The basic HTML export is working, and a number of pages have been converted. I think I'll be able to get it ready to merge into the system blocks in a couple of days, and will have the old content fully moved over next week. Arland is working on a Python class for block operations. It's already looking good to me. Tomorrow I will start writing some tests for it. We'll use it to help improve some external tools like the wiki & manual export code soon. Last bit for tonight: doing some reading on floating point. We'd like to get a soft float model working eventually. More on this eventually... ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.26 Arland & I discussed the manual project and decided to make some changes. The embedded manual is being replaced with a topical wiki (which will tie into the Glossary data as well), and the full manual will be formatted to be printed as a physical book. My initial code is written, drawn mostly from the (wiki) blocks. This will form a superset of the wiki code (due to adding in the Glossary blocks), and should (due to a smaller, more constrained space) be faster when done. After I finish moving the existing stuff into the new framework I'll write an HTML export (using Retro) and begin publishing it to konilo.org nightly or weekly. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.25 Arland is home for a week, so we'll get a few things done. He's already provided me an updated Procreate file for the Konilo logo, and is working on his Graphica code. I ordered a chest freezer to allow me room to store frozen food in larger quantity. Tomorrow I resume programming. I'll be working on a variety of small things this week. It'll be interesting to see how much can be completed. My hands are not in good condition at present. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.24 Still not a great night of sleep, and my glucose was high most of the day. I decided not to do any programming today, and to try to rest until Monday. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.23 I couldn't sleep last night. Not a good start to the day. The code for the watchlist in takawiri is nearly done. Another day or two for testing and I should be ready to commit it. Then I'll spend some time to finish the interface scaling code (for the width). I am hoping to wrap up the programming for this by early April. An aside from programming: I'm drained. I need to get some sleep soon, so might try to take a break from computing for a few days (or maybe a bit longer). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.22 Busy day at work, with a lot of quotes and followup on orders. Today is the start of a transition back to a lowcarb (but not keto) diet. I'm hoping to get my blood glucose stable over the next month. I worked on (tuhi) a bit today. The help screen was redone, and the "S" command was cleaned up a bit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.21 I've had to use Windows for much of my life. It's grown much, much worse over the years. Both it and Office decide to do updates at random times, with no option to delay. And in the case of Windows, it'll just inform you that it's going to reboot with no alternative. Very frustraiting. In Retro, I merged in a Zig implementation of Nga and did some work on Takawiri. The TOB code now scales based on the terminal height. I have not finished with the watchlist code, so will continue working on that tomorrow. Evening project: updating the 68k mac to use the latest ilo rom & blocks, and updating the ilo in swift playgrounds. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.20 Today's adventures in programming were: adding a new "R" key to (tuhi) to run the current set of blocks, and doing more work on the manual and glossary. I'm a little less than a month from the first anniversary of WISP. I'll need to decide how to handle the publication side of this soon as I don't really want an ever growing single file since that's wasteful in terms of transfer & time. Maybe I will split it by year? Or perhaps by year, and have the main text be the last month of entries? Tomorrow I will be working on the RetroForth listener again. In hopes of getting the watchlist code mostly complete. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.19 Arland reminded me that I haven't uploaded WISP data in a few days, so I've done this this morning. I have a good variety of implementations of ilo. But one thing is lacking: a properly safe version that checks for errors and responds gracefully. (There are some that do partial checks for a few cases, but none that are exhaustive). Today I start on this. Other than the above, today I'm also doing a little more for the manual. I'll hope to have something to share on this soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.18 It was a typical Sunday morning. Get up, go to church with my family. My glucose remained high, but I was able to get it to an acceptable level by half noon. My sister is visiting from Texas, so we went to my Mom's for the afternoon. It was a nice time. Arland & I spent a little time testing things in ilo on Swift Playgrounds and his Python implementation. I'll start making a few changes to help with performance soon. Going to bed early again. I'll have some programming time in the next few days, and I have a small list of projects to work on. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.17 After yesterday's glucose issues I went with less insulin last night, so my numbers this morning are higher than ideal. But at least I was able to get some sleep. No coding today. I spent time listening to music and playing Stardew Valley. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.16 It's Friday. Last night I had a glucose crash, so I'm now very tired. Work was slow, so it was at least possible to rest a little. I am going to bed early tonight though as I still feel off. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.15 I'm doing some work with ilo & x today. Following Arland's desire, I'm using a 720x720 X display, but with a 640x640 ilo display. I like the border. Running with no window manager; just X + ilo. With some changes to the block locator code the * loader broke on missing block sets. I've fixed this in my blocks and will push this to the main repo tomorrow. A little progress on the ilo-only computer project. I have the keyboard plates designed and ordered. Next will be sourcing the displays, then working on the rest of the enclosure. More on this soon... ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.14 Bob retired today. He had been working at Denney for 47 years. I am now the longest running employee at our branch, with a bit over 20 years. It'll be odd without him. Not doing programming today. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.13 It's supposed to snow today. Mixed with rain. Joy. I'm dabbling a bit with my ilo-on-x setup. Currently using just mult/ilo w/320x240 & the small 8x4 font. My desktop is just this with a small ~10 pixel border. I'm running with a zoomed in view via VNC. It's pretty usable, and after a few minutes of using it the font remains readable. A little future direction: I should do a UTF32 ilo (prob. just mult/ilo and mul/ilo/x). This would make strings more logical as in recent Retro releases. Other bits: PS/2 keyboard and mouse should arrive late this week and I'm ordering an SD card so I can work on the ESP32 stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.12 I've been using OpenBSD.Amsterdam for a month now. Overall I am happy with it. My only (small) complaint is the i/o speed for disk access. It's a bit sluggish in this regard. But it's been stable and is fast enough to be usable, so I see no reason to seek alternatives. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.11 I have an initial import of konilo.pali into the blcocks (at 45056 in my set). I'll need to do a lot more work on updating the comments to use the `c` directive instead of being separate and will want to reaarange things to break between functions more cleanly. But this is another step towards eventually being self-hosted. Healthwise: still sick and no real improvements over the last few days. This is very annoying now; I really just want to feel better again. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.10 My early programming days were using BASIC. I still have some fond memories of the QBASIC environment. Today I considered the language a bit. Specifically READ/DATA. This is something I did not use often, but which was useful at times. So I decided to write an implementation for Konilo. There are a few parts. A DataSource variable holds a pointer to the stored data in memory. A parsing word, data:add, reads and stores numbers, ending when `end` is encountered. And data:read reads from the stored data. I have a couple of thoughts playing around in my head regarding future expansions of this. But that will be a topic for a later time. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.09 RSV likes to linger. I'm much healthier than I was a few days ago, but still have a cough and feel somewhat unwell. Work on the (nonix) replacement has moved forward a little with the new "dir"ectory words being nearly complete. (I want to write a "dir" combinator to reduce some repetitive bits). I think this part will be done over the weekend, then I'll spend some time on the move/copy/rename stuff. I have done a little on the new Retro listener, starting on a bit to use the d:source data and tags data to help locate definitions. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.08 I'm down to a lingering cough and some chest tightness. Hoping this improves over the next couple of days. The first changes relating to my (nonix) replacement have been added. This slightly shrinks the initial memory footprint (though it will grow larger as the work continues). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.07 Health is slowly improving. I did a little more website work (now live), and sent Arland a copy of the ilo + graphica in javascript since he's planning to do more work on it. Early work on a replacement for (nonix) is progressing now. This will add more `block:` words and a new set of command line tools for working with the blocks. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.06 Still sick, but starting to feel better. I did some work on the HTML for konilo.org. It's not live yet, but should be in a day or two. With a bit of luck, tomorrow I might be able to start actually working on projects again. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.05 It's been 9 days and I'm still feeling sick. Back at work today, so it's a little more normal. As of lunch time I feel a little better. The tacos are driving my glucose up, but I think it'll be manageable. Tonight I'll try to work on Konilo/iOS a bit, and maybe on Retro or iOS as well. I'm still stuck a bit on the SwiftUI changes in this though. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.04 8 days in, and still sick. I'm just continuing to rest, in hopes that next week will be better. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.03 I'm pretty sure at this point that I had the flu, and am now dealing with RSV. Quite annoying to still be sick enough to prefer being in bed to being active. Given the ongoing illness, any programming is still on the back burner until my health improves. I am doing a bit more writing in the new manual, as I feel up to it. This is only for very short periods though; I'm getting quite tired very easily at present. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.02 I did not end up needing to report in for jury duty, so took a day to rest. I feel a little better now, but still far from healthy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.01 I may be starting to get better. Or, at least my throat is less raw, so I'll consider that a win. I'm trying to spend a little time on the (nonix) blocks, to see if I can expand them into something more usable. I now have a nice little SSH + VNC setup on my Android phone. I can work comfortable from it via my iPad, in either a terminal or graphical mode. I'm using 2bwm, and a 1080x540 display size. It's a little cramped, but is readable on the iPad display. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.31 At the end of January and this illness just keeps lingering. My throat is still raw, and I'm seriously lookig forward to just being able to rest in bed this weekend. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.30 Still sick. My throat is raw, and it hurts to swallow or speak which will make work today difficult. Dizziness is reduced so far. I made it through the work day, and did a little reading in the evening. That's enough for today. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.29 Still sick, but have uploaded my latest blocks to the dev box. I'm trying to make it through a work day, but it's questionable so far... It's now 20:41. I made it through work, but still don't feel well. I took a covid test which was negative. So that's good at least. In mult/ilo, I am testing binding CTRL+C to restart the current session. If this goes well, I'll probably commit the change tomorrow. I now have X11 working with Termux, so I can do ilo+x work more easily now. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.28 Still sick. Taking a full rest day. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.27 I am sick. I spent most of the day in bed, dizzy and with an increasingly sore throat. I was able to do a little work on Konilo, getting the size down to under 8k cells (excluding buffers). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.26 My back & right arm/hand are both getting worse. But I'm doing a little programming today. Specifically, recoding much of extend.konilo in assembly. This will make the core smaller, faster, and get me a step closer to being able to self-host in the future. While I was not expecting to finish today, the entire recode is now done (though some bgs may exist). 8,116 cells now. I'm happy with this. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.25 Still having a lot of issues with my back and right arm. Won't be writing today. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.24 I woke up this morning with a massive headache. After several hours, it is still lingering. Additionally, I am having numbness in my right arm & hand. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.23 For the last several days I've been having back pain. It's not improving. This is making sleep difficult, and it is also making mundane tasks like walking agonizing. I don't know what to do for it. While working on the new listener for Retro, I found and fixed a bug in `s:get-word`. This was followed by noticing that `n:put` was using the temporary string buffers, which was one source of my evaluation issues. These have been corrected. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.22 I continued writing code for Takawiri today. The Watchlist is now functional (though addresses are hard coded still); and the interface is starting to make use of the terminal configuration for sizing purposes. Other stuff: adding a -p for plain source files, an ioctl() device, and some experiments with colors. I'm happy with my progress. Tomorrow I will try to finish the layout sizing code, then it will be time to finish the new string evaluator. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.21 I woke up with a major headache today. Not an ideal start. But otherwise not too bad. The normal complaints: my back hurts, blood glucose is a little higher than ideal, and my hands are hurting a bit. Given the wrist/hand pain I'll probably not be doing much on programming or writing today. I ended up deciding to build a 32-bit DOS binary for ilo, using DJGPP. This is much faster than the 16-bit binary, but the need for a CWSDPMI binary is annoying. I'll see if I can find an alternative path here. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.20 Glucose numbers are still high, peaking at about 297. I'm back below 180 as of 1300, but have been fasting since dinnertime yesterday. I've continued working on takawiri. This includes some interface updates and the start of a new Watchlist section. I think it will be usable by the end of next week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.19 Today was interesting for blood glucose. Until evening I was trending low (even dipping below 70 at a few points), but in the evening it jumped to 227 from 93, then stayed over 180 since. Not fun. I added the new listener code to the RetroForth repository and Arland's latest ilo.py to the ilo repo. The new listener is getting closer to being usable. I started on a new `s:evaluate` for use with it; this will solve the string buffer consumption issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.18 After yesterday's site change for the CGM, I ended up going high (347!), and now (0541) am trending down (at 93). No morning rise yet, which may be an issue as I dosed expecting one. I have been doing work on the new listener today. The TOB code has received some bug fixes, and is now split out into a library (there wil be more of this in the future). Some use of color in the interface is now done. I found a new bug in the TOB code which I will try to fix late tonight or sometime tommorow. Evening update: other than lunch (which went horribly wrong), my blood glucose has been good today. Tomorrow I'll try to stay in range all day, though I'm still struggling to control the dawn rise. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.17 I'm having a hard time getting adaquate sleep once again. This has been getting worse over the last two weeks, which has me a little concerned. Today was my first switch of the CGM. Removal of the old one was a little painful. The combination of skintac, libre 3, and cover patch held up well. It took several minutes of work to remove the old adhesive. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.16 For Konilo, I've removed most of the remaining uses of DTC from the kernel and made a few optimizations via use of inline code instead of calls. This, coupled with use of the reserved space in the system buffers, has reduced the initial memory footprint to under 9k cells and made things slightly faster. A second Konilo thing: I have written a prototype for a self hosted image build. This is not something I'm going to do more work on now, but I'm confident I can fully implement it if/when the need arises. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.15 I have started work on a faster ilo again. I'm trying to see if caching the blocks in RAM will lead to a faster overall system. (This will increase the initial load time, but may be of benefit on hosts with slow i/o, but lots of RAM). Other than this, I did a bit to make fossil pulls/sync faster, and to improve my ability to easily push changes from my perso- nal set to the default ones. For health, I started with a prototype of the IOB tool. I don't quite like how it came out, so I'll rethink it a bit and try again. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.14 I've managed to keep my blood glucose in range all day. I'm hap- py with this, though it took a toll: I had to sacrifice most of my little sleep, and use more insulin than I'd prefer. I'll pro- bably got out of range tomorrow. Speaking of blood glucose, I decided that I need to write a pro- gram to track my insulin on board (IOB). I'll need to think on the details, but I have some rough ideas on it. The ilo repository now has a larger block set, which will be much easier for me to keep in sync with my set. I posted some details on this to Patreon on the 3rd, but will write more on it soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.13 I received a jury summons. Joy /s. I'll find out on Feb 1 if I have to report in for this. Today will begin a lengthy project: writing proper documentation for Konilo. I'm intending to have a very complete thing once this is completed, including a tutorial, which I've failed to actually complete in the past. I also had some thoughts last night on how to make Konilo self hosting (apart from the ilo computer). I'm not sure I want to actually do this, but it'd be interesting to have the option to do so. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2023.01.12 I was able to get the block writing code working in ilo.ha, so the first Hare implementation is done. The migration of the forth.works server to OpenBSD.amsterdam is completed without issues. I'll turn off the Linode on Monday, and probably decomission it at the end of the month. And I think that's it for today. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.11 I was able to get a little sleep last night. This is good, but caused me to miss my early AM insulin, so my morning glucose is higher than I'd like. One of my goals for 2024 is to finish my server transitions. For this the forth.works server (ansuli) is going to be moved away from Linode. I've decided to switch to a system on OpenBSD Amsterdam. Today I paid for the first year; tomorrow I will begin migrating my stuff to it. The migration will take a day or so to copy over the files, and I'll need another day or two to ensure all the automations are working as expected. So maybe Monday for the migration to be complete? ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.10 After a few hours work last evening I was too tired to write. I didn't get a good night's rest, so am still quite tired today. It's the end of the day now. Work was busy, I feel a little sick and need to try to sleep now. I was able to finish the 2024.1 release of Retro. Hopefully tomorrow will be better... ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.09 I setup Hare (harelang.org) on my dev box today and began an ilo in it. This is still very incomplete (no keyboard or blocks yet) but the rest appears to be working as expected. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.08 I forgot to take a dose of insulin befrore the morning rise from the dawn phenomenon. But thankfully the spike was only 53 points (maybe the metformin is helping?). Today I have a small email-related program to write for work, & normal quotes / orders to process. I'll try to keep stress low and hope it is more relaxed than last week. Since I was taking a break from active computing, I didn't push my blocks to the server for a couple of days. The missing WISP entries will be published tonight. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.07 Much better glucose control today. I was able to remain around 220 all day, finally dipping below 180 near bedtime. I kept carb intake low, which probably helped with this. The me- tformin is causing some issues, which I'll use immodium to help. Hopefully I'll adapt quickly to it so this can be stopped. It was another day spent reading instead of coding. I finished the New Management trilogy by Charles Stross. Not as enjoyable as the main Laundry novels, but I did like stepping back into this fictional world for a few days. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.06 My morning glucose spiked to over 300, which made the day start off poorly. But otherwise it went ok. I took a day off computer (mostly), went to lunch with Tammie, and did some reading. The Metformin arrived today, so I'm starting to use it today. I hope the side effects aren't too bad. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.05 I woke up at 0300 today and could not get back to sleep. Not a good start. 1112: less busy at work, which is nice. I'm getting caught up with both my backlog & the delivery schedules. Still taking the weekend off. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.04 Now a bit over 12 hours into using the CGM, and I like it. My arm is a little stiff, but not painful. And the numbers have come through without issue. I removed the old `blocks` tutorial. It's a bit smaller in terms of memory usage, and frees an output line in the startup screen. Two very stressful days at work completed. I am very much hop- ing that tomorrow is quiet. I have a lot to do, and no pati- ence left. Only one programming thing today: I fixed a typo in the life blocks, so it's not crashing on load anymore. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.03 I've finished a dry run, then merged in the VOA Special English dictionary. So I have Toki Pona and VOA dictionaries now. This pushes my total block count to 3074. With this I have also finished organizing my blocks (for now), and have update the ilo repository with the latest set. A tool to merge future updates is not yet written. My CGM (Freestyele Libre 3) has arrived, so I'll be starting to use it tonight. Here's to less finger sticks and a more steady stream of measurement data. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.02 I attempted to post a reply to a reddit thread, but reddit remo- ved it. No explaination was sent to me. I think I'm done with trying to participate with reddit. In the dictionary project, I merged in a Toki Pona dictionary. This went smoothly, but I'll probably need to write a dictionary lookup vocabulary/tool now. Tomorrow I'll do a dry run of the English dictionary data. This probably won't be merged quite yet, but I will try to have it ready this week. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.01.01 A new year has begun. I've managed to keep WISP up through 288 days of writing last year. It's been fun so far, so I'll try for a full 365 posts this year. I woke up early, as normal, but went back to bed for a few hours to get some more rest. This was helpful as I feel better now. My plan for today is to start writing some things for the Konilo documentation. (Getting this complete is a small priority; I'd like to have Konilo & its core blocks be a finished thing by the September release.) I sent Arland a possible instruction set for ARKS last night, if he likes it we'll start working on implementing it this week. ----------------------------------------------------------------