0 now 1 2 Things I'm currently working on... 3 4 RetroForth 5 6 - stability improvements to s: words 7 - reworking input handling in source files 8 https://todo.sr.ht/~crc_/retroforth/100 9 - improving glossary data 10 - new listener (on hold until above are done) 11 - updating the iPad implementation 12 13 14 15 0 now 1 2 ilo 3 4 - x86-native 5 - boot loader for hard disk 6 - installation of kernel, rom to hard disk 7 - boot loader for floppy disk 8 - teensy4.1 9 - additional i/o extensions 10 - lcd display support 11 - keyboard input 12 - RP2350 13 - setting up C & assembly toolchain 14 - reading through documentation 15 0 now 1 2 ilo (cont.) 3 4 - graphica, level 1 (c, x11) 5 - swift implementation for iPad, with graphica support 6 7 Konilo 8 9 - vmm: virtual memory manager 10 - maumahara: short term version control 11 - glossary improvements 12 - karaipiture: bible text lookup 13 - fixing bugs in the ilo.rom [done] 14 15 0 now 1 2 Others 3 4 - unix stdio over irc tool (python) [functional] 5 using a pair of fifos 6 - block diff/patch tools 7 - research into proportional font rendering 8 - research into risc-v 9 - working on a roff implementation in RetroForth 10 - expanding my private forth-based unix userland 11 - ANS FORTH glossary lookup tools (cli, irc) [functional] 12 13 14 15 0 now 1 2 The 'now' blocks are extracted and uploaded to charles.childe.rs 3 nightly. No special formatting is done, so these are just shown 4 as they exist in the basic block editor in Konilo. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15